Don’t you hate it when you come home…
And someone has been in your house?
You feel violated, angry, upset…
Especially when you find they have upended your rubbish.
And rifled through your pantry…
And chewed on your Peanut Paste (butter, whatever!)

And tried out the Vegemite jar …

Before moving onto the honey…

Don’t be giving ME that innocent “who, me?” look Madam…
You can’t hide behind those puppies much longer, you little ….
Oh, but she looks so mortified. I am sure that she will NEVER do such a thing again….
Who, Cruel? Noooo!
And far out those puppies are almost as big as she is!!!!
PS BB – what exactly is vegemite. Heard of it, never knew for sure. Post idea for all the foreigners.
debby, I’ll send you some if you like. I love my Vegemite!
BB, evidence of those great perky ears again. A sure sign of intelligence. And mischeif!
Um, really. What IS it?
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Debby… you cannot be serious?!!! Every Australian stereotype includes Vegemite!!! We are happy little Vegemites because we eat vegemite from teething toddlers to our dotage!!! It’s a breakfast spread for toast or on Sao biscuits (and don’t say you have never heard of Saos, or I shall have to come over and educate you personally!). *sigh*
Alison – I KNOW… they are getting humungous!! And yes, Cruel. Once a work dog, always a work dog. No manners!
Alice – she knows she’s in trouble and is safe while the kids are feeding… the honeymoon is over!!
LOL Sprung!
Never heard of Sao. I just read on Wikipedia that the Men Down Under were singing, “he just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich. I thought that they were singing, ‘he just smiled and gave me a bite of my sandwich’. Which I’d always thought was rude, copping someone’s sandwich and allowing them a bite.
I’ll leave the porch light on.
Bring Mine with you.
TLW, Dash, SSB all welcome too.
Oh. Bring Jeanie and her crew.
However Gerard must stay home.
I know it’s super frustrating when your dog gets into the food, but it sure makes for a great blog post. I love it!! lol And, wow, those puppies are getting HUGE!! She’s a beautiful mommy.
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Debby – don’t tempt me!!! Are you anywhere near Disneyland?? (I am kidding, I do know enough geography to work that one out!) Boy, you really have a thing against goannas, don’chya.
Jayne – she wasn’t the slightest bit ashamed, little wretch!
Rhea – thanks and yes, at least with blogging there is some sort of silver lining!!
Wow, those pups……….just, wow!
I wonder if Clinton Anderson misses vegemite?