Handling the General
It’s been a while since I shared anything on Admiral’s son…
the one you guys named various things
but we ended up calling General.
(Sorry – I have no real control over anything here at Granite Glen!)
We said a sad goodbye to his sister
who travelled over 1000km back to her ‘real’ owner!
We have been watching General grow taller, thicker and develop a shaggy winter coat.
His Roman nose (bit like his Daddy) is becoming quite pronounced…
Watchful and a little feisty….
But strong and athletic too…

to Mr Incredible’s regular handling sessions,
and did well at his very first halter & lead experience.
and did well at his very first halter & lead experience.
I remember my first halter and lead with Mr I…
but I digress!
(Mum, I am kidding!)
(Mum, I am kidding!)
but he has that certain ‘something’ that makes us think
he’ll be an agile, active and handy cattle worker.
And y’all know how much Mr I enjoys his cattle work
And y’all know how much Mr I enjoys his cattle work
(‘specially in the sporting arena)
Perhaps our little one star General will be a campdrafter one day?
Time will tell.
In the meantime,
he’ll get a month or so more with his Mama (Jill)…
before he is weaned and ‘bushed’ for a year to grow out…
Enjoy your foal days my friend…
You’ll be a big boy all too soon!
Cactus Jack Splash
He is lovely. I am a bit odd, but I like a Roman nose on a horse for some reason.
He is going to grow up to be a looker for sure
lucky kachina dancer
Cute! He looks really intelligent, too.
He is just beautiful! And so tall. I'm sure he will be a top rate campdrafter. Are you going to geld him or use him as a stud? How old is he now? He seems young to be weaned but i really have no idea. What does Bushed mean? I'm guessing he's put out to graze and fatten up for a bit with some other horses? But then does Mr. I still handle him every day?
Sorry, too many questions. I just love horses and want some someday and i'm trying to learn stuff 🙂
Paint Girl
General is getting big! And still cute as ever!
Mom L
He's turning into a really handsome boy. I have a question, too – what is "sook"??
Nancy in Atlanta
Fun to get the update on the guy!
Interesting. The baby animals on your station are nearly as cute as the baby people there. Imagining your first halter and lead experience with Mr. I made me laugh out loud. The poor man has been trying to rein you in ever since!
A handsome young man indeed!