All posts,  The Bush

…and The Beasts

If you follow me on twitter you will already know how much of a battle I am fighting against a rodent plague.
twitter mousepic

WE have had them before but with the amazing rain earlier this year and a cold snap, Mickey Mouse and his friends are descending on Granite Glen in their hundreds. Maybe thousands… we arrived home late yesterday afternoon, and in the three hours between walking in the door and going to bed we caught 16 mice.


In just five traps.

It was all SNAP-SNAP-SNAP around the kitchen and living room.  Tap dancing with mouse traps.

And one snap inspired me to convince my husband to hold the trap* so I could record the event…


A double bunger.  Twice the mice.  Repeat Rodents.


I haven’t caught a rat inside the house yet, but I have nabbed them in the laundry.

*double shudder*

I am about to put out bait – something I destest doing but honestly, the waves of mice hitting this place require unprecented tactics. Operation Shock and Awe is about to commence.  Wish me luck…

Yours, in desperation


*Best trap I have come across. Safe ‘n’ Sure Mousetrap. (This is an unprompted, unpaid recommendation from an unintentional expert in the field.)


  • Colin (HB)

    Oh God – my sympathy!
    I remember mice plagues in the 1950’s! Before your time. They came after floods – terrified cats,dogs,chooks and even the horses. They got into the feed areas, so it was useless for traps, use shovels, you get more with one good bang, then another and so on. Be careful though, they can run up your legs! Start banging BB, “better half”, Violet and Dash. Good “banging”!!!!!!!!!
    Colin (HB)

  • jeanie

    I remember a plague when we were kids when we had to fish out a few mice each time the horses had to be fed.

    Have you tried the water trap with the wine bottle?
    jeanie´s last blog post ..Duck Day

  • Theresa in Alberta

    Ohmy gosh!!!! Those mice are worse in OZ than canada eh! ick ick ick, get a few kitty’s with sharp claws and teeth. sending sympathy your way…..

  • Theresa in Alberta

    p.s. I remember reading the comments on PW’s blog a last year year before her kitty kitty moved in that several commenters mentioned sprinkling oil of cloves (the real stuff) on the doorway threshold. I guess the rodents find the smell unpleasant and turn away…..far away from the house I would hope and pray eh.

  • Kelly

    I must admit I (and my husband) was impressed with your double! I’ve never managed two in one trap!

    What with all our dogs I always cringe at putting out bait, but we do keep it in the attic and the (closed off) crawl space under the part of our house that isn’t on slab. Otherwise…I like that instant gratification of a trap. Nothing more satisfying than hearing that “snap” when you are dealing with mice!

    Interesting trap, too. I guess you load it the same way? I’ve found peanut butter to work better than cheese.
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Vegetable Frittata

  • A Novel Woman

    I’d get a cat or two, although they still leave the bodies around the house. Sometimes headless. But at least they’re dead.

    I don’t think those traps are available in Canada. At least, I’ve never seen them. We have to use the old-fashioned wooden ones that scare the wits out of me when I set them up. I’m so afraid they’re going to go off in my hands, like firecrackers.

    When you’re dealing with the numbers you have, what about a bucket trap? They have demos on YouTube.
    A Novel Woman´s last blog post ..How to be alone

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