See the light
I hope the week has started well for you all… I have a big rest-of-week lined up. Lots of driving, appointments, catching up with friends and family and associated offspring, numerous social events and house cleaning ahead of me.
But let’s not concern ourselves with all that. (The head-in-the-sand approach works for me!)
Instead… let’s savour these few moments I enjoyed on the way home from town on Monday…
I had taken both Dash AND Violet to the doctor (various minor ailments, all given the okay). God forbid you should give one child more attention (or medical focus) than the other. Now where were we? Oh yes…
A little ‘halleluja’ moment from the clouds…
Just divine…
Remind me to come back to this post when the stuff is hitting the proverbial about Saturday morning, okay?
How is your week shaping up?
Any halleluja moments your end?
I need the old testament clouds today! Looking forward to your vista 🙂
jeanie´s last blog post ..Paradismal Displays and Diction Delight
My vista? LOL… can’t wait to see you guys either!
Carol Alex
My week is shaping up pretty well as of today. Hopefully we are finished up with Dentist,Dr, Eye appointments for awhile around here. We always try to get them done during the winter so that when spring arrives we are set to spend some time at the lake cottage and traveling around to see friends and family that we missed during the winter months. We do the BBQ’s and pig roasts, etc. Love, the summer weather unless it’s humid. My vegie garden of tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, yellow squash, green beans and sugar snap peas, radishes and onions take up a lot of time, but that’s fine, I get to eat it.
Lynda M O
Your trees delight me with their shape against the horizon. Thanks for sharing the view.
Lynda M O´s last blog post ..March’s FO Report
Thanks Lynda… they delight me too! Nothing like a good bottle tree – best tree silhouette there is.
Carol Alex
Well, I’ll be danged, just saw the weather forecast, nothing but rain off and on for the next 3 day’s, and starting again on the fifth day. Oh how I wish I could jump on my broom and drag this weather front right to ya’, seriously. Last summer we got very little rain and our property was brown and dusty so I know what you are going through, sorta, maybe.
Carol Alex
Oh, news bite: went to my eye Dr today and he sounds like an Aussie so I asked if he was from Australia, he smiled and said No, I am from New Zeeland, we are the backdoor to Australia. I asked if they had wallabies and kangaroos and helaughed and he said they have Kiwi birds and Koala Bears. Guess what, he is very ‘fair dinkum’ if that means super good looking, LOL!
Just me, the dummy
LOL Carol – koalas in NZ??? Was he pulling your leg? Sounds like quite the cultural experience.
Outstanding! Sunbeams shining from the clouds are one of my favorite things! I always feel like it’s God speaking to me. 🙂
Kelly´s last blog post ..Deer vs. Dogs
Yes me too!!!! Like He’s REALLY trying to grab your attention.
!!!!! That first photo looks like a painting by Dutch Masters only better! A halleluja moment for certain. Nice one, BB. Wishing you a great week and no more visits to the doctor for any reason.
Leenie´s last blog post ..THE RAIN, THE PARK AND OTHER THINGS
Nawwww… back at you Leenie! Stay well.
Nancy in Iowa
Apparently Spring ran away and Winter is back, for a few days, anyway. We had a humdinger of a T-storm the other night, with winds so fierce and loud I didn’t get to sleep until after 4:30am. Although we had a couple of days with sun and warm weather, it’s drizzling today and we’re expecting SNOW again later today and tomorrow….should be light, though. Just snow showers. Although I love seeing snow, I’m now just looking forward to getting settled in Savannah, whenever that will be!!!
Shirley from Rhubarb Whine
Seriously gorgeous, BB. Hugs to you – you’ve had quite the time of it of late. xxx