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A Voice to make your heart sing

Short and sweet tonight…

Just watched the grand final of ‘The Voice’ Australia. Been an avid follower since it started – love the concept, enjoyed the judges and was blown away by the talent.

(If you haven’t been here long, you may not know that I have a TERRIBLE singing voice. Doesn’t stop me belting out a tune whilst driving somewhere, but I am aware that my passengers ears almost bleed after a journey with me! How I yearn for a voice like those showcased in this talent show.)

For me, no voice was greater than this young woman.

Her name is Karise Eden and she won the Down Under version of “The Voice”.

She has an incredible story – I think she lived in something like 15 foster homes through her childhood – but owns a gift that wipes every other thing from your mind when you hear to her sing.

She is Janice Joplin and Joan Baez and at the same time absolutely unique.

If you haven’t heard her, you must.

I swear, she opens her mouth and I experience every single thing, every ache, every joy, every nuance she wants me to feel.

It’s like you don’t LISTEN to Karise, you FEEL her.

But what’s the point of me trying to describe her to you? Not much.Words are not enough.


And tell me what you think?

Oh, you want more? Okay then…



(Her website is not complete yet but images used here taken from the clip on her site:



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