Bush’d launch’d
Last night was quite a night, for this little plumpish bush blogger.
You see, I had an exhibition. Of photos featured right here, on this little bush blog. It’s not something I had really thought of doing, to be honest, before I was asked by a very sweet local lady – who is also an artist and publican. (I know, what a skill set!)
I talked here about some of the lead-up to last night – just know it was a hectic time made that tiny bit crazier with all kinds of decision making which hurt my brain.
It’s one thing to take photos, to sort and work them and to get them printed up. It’s another to get them framed. Cue my cousin, Em.
She does amazing rustic photo frames – and (thanks to the tardy arrival of prints and matting) managed to whip up 33 of these amazing frames in less than a week. Luckily, she IS superwoman!
Julie the artist/publican/art curator also turned publicity officer…
Which definitely made it VERY difficult for me to pull out of the event. Heh. Pretty sure Em would have killed me, if Julie didn’t get to me first.
Anyway, Friday was spent driving around over 200 km picking up framed photos, delivering them to our venue, unloading a few kilometres worth of hessian and some pre-washed stumps and sticks, rusty barbed wire, old fence posts, a scale model windmill and pumpkins…
I really should have taken some ‘before’ photos, but I was late arriving at the venue. And I didn’t want to annoy my off-siders any more than I already had. So with the help of my long-suffering husband, Julie and her long-suffering partner Tony…
We set up the ‘Bush’d’ exhibition.
I reckon it came up okay…
Although I suspect I might have worn everyone out in the process…
Hay bales really are the ultimate multitasker in the bush – decor AND seating!
And less than 24 hours later (I did shower, create some catalogues and get some shut-eye in the interim) … doors were thrown open to the public!
And while the event is a LITTLE of a blur, I do recall many happy faces, lots of shared laughter and some very sweet comments.
This is my uncle with my Dad’s best mate. They are finding something VERY amusing in one of the pieces (or being silly posing for my aunt, who was behind this lense most of the night!).
The gorgeous overworked Em-the-framer with her hubby and youngest. How cool is that frame right behind her? (I think that shot was among my most popular FB posts ever – ‘Bush Halleluja’).
This is one of my best mate’s husband (who is also my second cousin – keep up!). He went pigging en route to the event. As you do!
My uncle with granddaughter Prue – an early moment of art appreciation, pretty leaves in ‘Autumn Kaleidescope’!
My BEAUTIFUL sister, Jeanie (on the squash, by the look of it!).
My Dad’s mate Ralph and his lovely wife, with their favourite photo…
Everyone paused for the official part of the evening, during which Mr John Warlters, General Manager of the Queensland Country Life (and very nice guy) told a couple of stories about me and then opened the exhibition…
He must’ve been pretty funny…
I certainly thought so! (And that was only my second, and LAST glass of wine for the night!).
My husband was very happy to be NOT preparing for the event anymore, to be sitting, and having a quiet ale. He certainly deserved it!
Among the guests were our little schools FABULOUS teachers…
And my sister-in-law’s sister (what is THAT relationship, anyone?) who earlier that day had taken out the regional showgirl award. I was a bit excited for her!
Yay Donna!!
There were also lovely travellers, some of who got BUSY with their wallets, and put some red dots on some pieces.
I was delighted to see a few little red dots telling me people had enjoyed our efforts enough to put them on their own walls.
It’s a pretty special feeling, to know that something you helped create (cause let’s face it, Mother Nature does a fair bit of my work) is treasured that much.
I hope I get to visit some of the places these end up…
And all too soon… it was time to go home. To sit down, kick off our shoes, and relax.
If you happen to be in Queensland’s North Burnett area at all, please call into the Mulgildie pub (just south of Monto) and check the ‘Bush’d’ exhibition out for yourself. And (do yourself a favour) and introduce yourself to Julie and Tony, then order a pub lunch while you are there. I can recommend the food and the hospitality is second to none!
Now if you don’t mind, I need to sleep. Before mustering commences again tomorrow.
Over and out…
So proud of YOU!!!
BB of Oz
How AWESOME did that all look – I am still trying to con someone into the 6hr drive (12hr return) with me sometime over the next couple of weeks – wish I was brave enough to go alone. Congrats BB – so bummed I could be there to meet you – that would have been fantastic…rest up! PS – Em’s frames are the perfect accompaniment to your prints!
I am so very pleased for you Amanda. Your work is amazing! Looking forward to the next Calendar!
BB of Oz
Thanks Cazzie… better start sorting out the 2014 Bush Calendar I guess! 🙂
Congratulations Amanda! What a wonderful accolade for your work and I just love that it all happened at the local. A great thing for a small community, I’m sure….
Well done
Oh wow, wow, WOW! What can I say? That looks fabulous. I just wish I was around the area to take a look. Well done. Your photos are fabulous and I am glad they were appreciated. I love the frames as well they suit your photos so well. Enjoy your success and rest before mustering.
ooohhh….THAT’S why you sounded so exhausted today!!
Sorry to interrupt what was probably your FIRST time to relax in forever!!
Are any of the pics for sale?
I know one of those would look a bit fab on a wall on the other side of the world 😉
Congratulations BB!!
BB of Oz
ALL for sale TJ. If anyone would like to purchase pls email and I will send better reproductions of images not yet sold. 🙂
It was a wonderful night and I was SO PROUD of my big sister.
(BTW – the long distance shot of me REALLY showed my grey – can we touch it up please?)
jeanie´s last blog post ..The Garden Midwinter
BB of Oz
Really??? Will look. And thanks little sis. Having you there was wonderful!
B ill
You have done well.
Nancy in Iowa
How I wish I could have been there!!! Well, I was in spirit. Looks like a magnificent show, with many happy faces. Congrats on all the sales!
It looks like the event was a rip-roaring success!! I’m sure I would have placed a red dot on at least one if I’d been there. 🙂
Speaking of your Dad…. what do you hear from the world travelers?
Kelly´s last blog post ..Pen and Paper
Julie in Aust.
Congratulations BB…you must be on such a high at the moment! What an amazing experience to be living! It will be the first of many I’m sure and I will strive to be at at least one of your future exhibitions…just so I can tell fellow viewers “I know this lady’s beautiful work…known it for years actually!!!” Bit of proud name dropping wont go astray eh!!!
So very proud of you BB…well deserved indeed! Enjoy every moment!
BB of Oz
You are far too sweet Julie… I do appreciate the support from near and far! ♥
I’m so very proud of you. I loved seeing more of your family. (Hi, Jeanie!!!!) Looks like they all came out en force to do what needed doing, and get your show on the road. I love that. It’s just how a family ought to work!
debby´s last blog post ..Mish Mash.
That was a great night, great photos….yours and of the night. You certainly have a supportive family.
Congratulations Amanda on being red spotted so many times.
bb x
bushboy´s last blog post ..The Accidental Landcarer
Amazing! You are so talented and far too humble and look fabulous in red!! Well done xxx
Colin Huggins
Well done as I expected Amanda.
You did yourself and the family proud.
Really looked all country, none of the city slicker stuff. I’m bloody sure everyone had a great time – Jeanie – with squash???? Ah c’mon, I can see the gin in it from here!
Your gallivanting parents would be real proud of you.
Congratulations, Amanda! It looks like a wonderful show and I do understand what goes into them. Great job to all concerned – it really does take a team! I hope it’s a huge success.
Georgianna´s last blog post ..Paris: Roses at the Palais Royal
BB of Oz
That means a lot Georgianna – thanks for stopping by! 🙂
…and what’s ‘pigging’?
debby´s last blog post ..A Day Dream and a Shock.
BB of Oz
Hunting for wild pigs… unsure if it was successful or not.
BIG-BIG Congrats!! You so deserve to be recognized for your skills with a camera, your eye for the amazing in the every-day, and your ability to keep that Nikon by your side and ready for anything. Being appreciated by friends is super, by the general public is outstanding! Woo-hoo. (Going back to stand in cool shade of my snowy July BB Calendar on this sweltering summer afternoon).
Leenie´s last blog post ..DETERMINATION–Inside Passage part 5
BB of Oz
Thanks Leenie – and so glad the calendar is keeping you cool! LOL.
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