Language,  The Bush

DEFINITIONS: ‘Strine Vernacular’ & ‘Bush Babe Speak’

Thanks for being a good sport and putting up with me taking the piss – and saying it so many times in one entry (and apologies to my Mum who will have clicked me off after the first reference to it, and no doubt be heading for the car, on her way to wash my mouth out with soap!)*.

Please feel free to offer your entry into this list – I promise to update it with the best offerings!

Keep Smiling

Bush Babe (now you understand!)

*It’s important to note that I very rarely us the word “P***” in real life… but somehow in the world of the blog, I have become a bit potty-mouthed. Sorry. Sorry mum. (But’s it IS fun!)


  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Thanks Elizabeth… yes, life in the country is a contrast in Australia. More on that soon! Hope Canada is not too cold at the moment! It’s on my ‘to do’ list!
    Bush Babe

  • debby


    Bush Babe, you are hilarious. Even before I understood the vernacular.

    I’d much rather be called ‘Yank’ than ‘Bush Babe’. A label like that will piss a lot of folks off. Especially with the primaries heating up.

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