But first the clouds…
Instead, today’s post is about clouds. The ones I will think of as I drift off to sleep shortly…
I cannot tell you how much I love clouds. SSB cannot begin to comprehend my fascination with them: They are CLOUDS woman!
Perhaps – but to me they are beautiful. Soft and fluffy, silly and wispy, or heavy and threatening (much like women!). They are most especially gorgeous when they hold rain, or the real promise of rain, after so many years of drought.
They taunt and tantalise, they tease and then split and fulfil – with delightful sunshowers, or drenching, delicious downpours.
I love that they give you unexpected halleluja! moments and then conspire to cover their Biblical drama within seconds.
Bush Babe
I especially love the old testament ones – make you realise that you are seeing what was seen thousands of years ago, and it still means the same thing.
How very wonderful. You know, some of my happiest memories as a child was laying flat on my back watching the clouds change shape. I still can’t stare at clouds for any length of time without remembering what it felt like to be a small child.
Plowing and Sowing
Great Pictures. I found your blog off of Pioneer Woman’s blog. I am interested in any stories about ranching, working cattle or hunting. Very nice. I will check in from time to time.
Those are lovely cloud pictures.
I put the answer to your question about chaps in the comment section of Pioneer Woman’s blog on the calf if you haven’t seen it.
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Thanks all – I reckon the amazing thing about looking up at the sky is that the scene is pretty much exactly the same (but different) as it has been since day 1. It’s definitely the country girl in me -clouds just make me happy!
Thanks to my American friends for my continued education re: rural life in the USA!
Pencil Writer
A woman after my own heart! I’ve loved watching clouds all my life! Thank you for sharing a passion. I’ve also been ridiculed by family members I’ve shared my fascination with. “Mom! They’re just clouds!” But they’re so different! So changable! So beautiful! I remember on one of our trips across the southwest (USA) during the summer where the air must have been exceptionally hot and dry where I watched in fascination as little puffs of clouds dissapated and disappeared!
I almost couldn’t believe my eyes! Clouds disappearing! I’m so much more used to seeing clouds gathering, rolling and rumbling dangerously in Louisiana where they can dump 4 inches of rain in a hour sometimes! I’ve seen clouds so close to the ground, so black and treatening that I was sure a twister was about to errupt!
And, like you last cloud formation in this post shows the awesome shafts of sunlight that do make you think heaven’s door has just opened to remind you God is there and in control.
I’m so glad I found you via PW’s blog! Thanks for sharing the beauties of Down Under.