The Bush

More old stuff… with love

Have had some requests for more pics of old stuff around our neck of the woods. This is not too much of a challenge for me:

A) Because I love old things – they are just more interesting!!!

B) Because I AM an old thing (not really, just getting in before my toyboy husband does!) and I think I get more interesting the older I get (too much navel-gazing perhaps?)

C) We have LOTS of old things around Granite Glen to take photos of (no dump trucks to haul it away, so old, broken-down stuff tends to hang around and look really groovy in situ)… and sometimes the old, museum-worthy stuff is still being used!

D) I love taking photos of old things…

So here is a small selection to keep y’all happy…

Gate in yards, disappearing into green panic…

Timber in branding crush, weathering away…

Old wheels, keep on turnin’…Old grader, keeps on churnin’ *


Bush Babe
* This is true – this piece of machinery – pulled by a tractor to maintain dirt roads – was retired just a couple of months ago and is still regarded as the “back up” grader!)


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