• Horses


    We have lots of animals here at Granite Glen. It’s a farm, so that’s a good thing. Our menagerie includes: working kelpie-cross dogs (8), a half-wild black cat (1), working Australian Stock horses (too many to count), Brangus and Brahman-cross…

  • The Bush

    Moonshine and roses…

    Among the amazing sights out here in the Aussie bush is the universe… that’s right, cause I reckon I can see pretty much all of it from our backyard. Well, at night anyway. It’s one of the things that really…

  • The Bush

    Magic Mushrooms?

    During the recent wet weather, something amazing happened at Granite Glen. Besides transforming the countryside into an amazing shade of verde, the rain coaxed some mushrooms to reveal themselves on our lawn. I grabbed the camera… It is easy to…

  • The Bush

    My new ‘pet’… or not

    Yesterday I arrived home from a supplies visit to town to find a someone new had taken up residence at Granite Glen… “Damn, she’s home! “I’ll try to look like part of the lawn”“Aarrgghhh… she’s shooting me with that black…