You know how you hear about the “slower life” in the country…
Well, I’m here to tell you…
it’s a big fat lie!
You can’t tell by recent posts on this blog, (in fact you’d think I’ve been doing nothing if you went by my posting activity) but it’s been really hectic ’round Granite Glen this last fortnight.
First we had Dash’s 6th birthday…
At which he received many marvellous gifts, including a watch…
And Dash’s mother went to the extraordinary lengths of actually baking a cake
(I’m not particularly gifted or enthusiastic in the catering dept) in a groovy puppy pan loaned by Dash’s aunty. It tasted better than it looked (chocolate mudcake with white chocolate icing!)…

Dash celebrated with school friends and neighbouring family (and, yes, he was a tad protective of his candles… TLW had her head removed from the scene via a handful of hair when she inspected too closely! Brotherly love!)
Then we went to a field day* at a property some three hours drive away…
Where we joined others to check out the latest know-how in the cattle industry…

And we also snuck away to glean some ideas for stables and general construction…

And loo decor!
Then we had the local horse race meeting…
at which hats duelled with horses for the crowd’s attention…

I suspect the hats may have won by a short neck…

The vision in the brown and orange is possibly the most stylish aunt in the world…
Is this girl not one of the most gorgeous things ever?
A little Marilyn action guaranteed to get the boys hearts a’racing!
And here are the boys, in traditional Aussie race-goin’ garb.
Please note the unanimous pose, one hand wrapped around a stubbie or UDL and the other stuffed in a pocket. Attitude is all, my friends.
Then Dash and I got the dreaded lurgy (aka The Flu)
(you can do without pics on this one)
Then we had a funeral to go to …
(an amazing day, post to come)
And brought
Salina for a romp with
(there would have been photos but I was still concentrating on being upright post-flu)
Then we had the local show…
At which we donned our best hats and show-goin’ gear.
(I’m not sure what is happening with Dash’s attitude or legs here? He’s not bandy yet – just needs a butt to hold those pants up! TLW however, was all guns a’blazin’!)
A soon-dishevelled Dash soon met up with a little mate, whose hat has as much character as Dash has lack of butt! Note the trademark pants-hitch!
There were all the usual enticements: laughing clowns and dogem cars and horse events and…
These boys are fearless, risking life, limb and an attack of vertigo to entertain…

Those axes are razor sharp… and it’s a looong way down from that board!
We also caught up with dozens of friends, watched a rodeo, perused award-winning jams, quilts, cakes and photos, watched hack classes and showjumping, and checked out the districts best chooks!
So as you can see, I’ve been ‘distracted’ of late…
Can you imagine the state of my house?
Makes me feel like crawling right back into bed again!
I’m off to wrangle this house into the ground (or at least clean out some fridges!)
May the dust have contendedly settled in your corners too!
Pony Girl
Goodness, you have been busy and doing some fun things, wish I’d been livin’ your life recently (okay, except for that nasty flu bug!) Hope you are on the mend soon. I really enjoy your blog!
Oh, what a heaping helping of life you’ve had lately, BB. I loved the pictures.
The Brave
what a fun time you have had – loved the pictures!
Teresa aka ride4fun
You’ve really been busy lately. I really enjoy your blog.
I’m not sure of proper netiquette, I linked to your blog from mine and have been meaning to make sure that it is okay with you. I’ll remove the link if you’d rather not have it. My blog is not the professional quality that yours is, its more of a journal that happens to be on-line.
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Thanks girls – it was a bit of a mish-mash this post, trying to catch up on my life. I might try and break it up into sections so it’s not so confronting!
Pony Girl – thanks, the flu has gone and I’m almost back to the normal energy levels… I NEVER get sick and was knocked a bit sideways by it. I’ll be getting my flu shot next year!
Teresa – I am most honoured that you have linked to me. I don’t consider this a very professional blog (I’m no P Dub!) but I do enjoy sharing my little corner of the world through my pics and words. I love that you guys keep coming to visit me!!!!
So good that you are well again – I hope the fridges don’t keel you!!! Cake looks great.
Pencil Writer
Fun pictures and history rendition. Always enjoy your pictures and educational posts. Your children are precious–as you know! And SSB with them–Great Family Pic! TLW is gonna be quite the little focus/fotogenic little woman in the future. You might want to chain her to the house somewhere before the age of say, 14-18! Else the young men in that age group and older will be mesmerized by her charming, flirtiness. She’s precious/precocious. Of course, li’l Dash will also be a heart-throb to the ladies. Keep ’em close!
Wow, you really have been busy! Life just doesn’t slow down! It looks like you have been having a great time! I love that you all get so dressed up for the horse races! I love the dresses and the hats!! And the picture of all the guys!! LOL!! The one hand in the pocket!! LOL!! I hope you get some time to slow down and rest!!
Wow what a busy life in the country .Looks like a lot of fun times were had.I love the pictures of all the action and fashion.
Rest assured the dust in my house sleeps peacefully and has no fear of me disturbing it any time soon.
it sounds like you’ve been having a whole lot of fun (except for the flu part and the funeral part) and have been a very busy bee (i love alliteration and puns). i hope things settle down a little bit so that you can take a breather, get the house in the order you’d like to see and catch up with your life.
Check out those country kids! What a great shot!
Sounds like a very busy time. Happy birthday to Dash! And I hope everyone is feeling better 🙂