‘Awwww’ alert!!

And occasionally, when another mountain of washing is being sorted, I get time to snap them as they fumble and stumble and growl and yelp and generally work out how to use their bits and pieces.
You ready for some cute-overload?

The Brown One has a broken tail – hence Kink or Snap.
He is the smallest and most active of the three boys.
He’s very cute and busy and brave and loves being held on his back…
This is the Black One. He looks just like his Dad, Jet (Black).
Hence Pitch (Black) as a potential title…
He also has a white tip on his tail… you got it!
He’s very licky, and wiggly and the kids’ current favourite.
He’s very cute also, and a bit of a wuss. Which somehow makes him even cuter…
This is the Grey One (duh!). He is the biggest, fattest, Boofy-est brother.
He is very lazy and still a tad wall-eyed. But he’s the big boy, and he doesn’t care what I think.
(I admire that kind of confidence).
Even when he’s being loved to death, he barely flinches…
Despite what some people think, his name is NOT Mine.
So, are you all “cuted” out yet?
Ready to get back to business?
Back to cows, dust, blue jeans, and horse sweat?
Go on then… have another look before we go!
You know you want to…
(And by the way – when did TLW get so big all of a sudden? And gorgeous? How is SSB’s whip cracking skills going, because he certainly is gonna need them (especially if teen TLW dares to contemplate wearing a midriff top))
Pencil Writer
What fat (HEALTHY) looking pups!!! So, how’s Momma Cruel holding up? She must be exhausted and feeding the little guys nothing but cream or something. Mercy!
So what’s NOT cute about puppies? (Oh yeah. The urine, the “everything-in-the-world” chewed on stuff. I almost forgot. It’s been many years since our invasion–with five Sheltie mix pups. One has never lived till one’s had a puppie invasion!)
Raising Country Kids
Oh, my. Those little critters are cute (human and canine). Almost makes a person forget that puppies are so much work!
I’m jealous of your getaway with the girls. Sounds like fun!
Hal Johnson
I won’t be showing these to my wife. I’m afraid she’ll try to talk me into using my frequent flyer miles to head that way to try to talk you out of one of those pups.
Puppies!!!! Aawwwwwww!!!
I must have spent at least 15 minutes gooing and gaaing at that last photo.
I’d say I need to get out more, but they’re just so darn cute!
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Thanks guys… they are pretty healthy looking, aren’t they? I’m afraid that SSB is not going to give up any of these little critters, he keeps gazing at the photos and saying: “I don’t know how you are supposed to choose just one.” Poor darlin’.
PW – what is a Sheltie??
Shelties look like a little collie.
Okay, my previous comment must have gotten lost, but I wanted to make sure I said thanks BB, so as not to sound like an ungrateful American.
Hal – show your wife these pictures right away, and if she makes you use your frequent flier miles, can you pick up ‘Mine’ while you’re there?
BB – I knew they’d look completely different after a whole week! Thanks for indulging me. How can you get anything done at all with so much cuteness (kids and puppies) all around you.
Thanks. I promise. I’ll quit nagging. Until next week.
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Hey Debby – I was wondering if you were OK! Not that I want to sound like a “taking my visitors for granted” kinda Aussie! To answer your question: I don’t get everything done that I need to – I just keep my head above water and hope the Queen doesn’t drop by for a visit!!!
Awww they’re gorgeous and sweet and cuddly and oh so delectable and…and…and…
My 2 yr old “puppy” is still chewing through the quilts on the bed!
Oh they are so dang cute! I love them! I am so puppy obsessed! I love them all. I think I love them all!! They are just the cutest chubbiest puppies ever!
Cuteness overload!! Cuteness overload!! They’re beyond adorable. squeezable and lovable. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!
They are so cute – did you know there is a LOL dogs n puppies now I am gooing and gaaing over them all
II don’t kbnow how you are ever going to choose one – they are just so darn cute!
Oh, thank goodness I live in the US of A. I don’t have to worry about the flipping Queen. And if George were to show up, it wouldn’t matter because I’m not happy with him and not inclined to invite him in for a visit.
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Jayne – these little guys will be working and living in a kennel by the time they are 2 years old (if I have anything to do with it!). If SSB has his way, they could all have taken over the house by then… and there is not enough NapiSan in Australia to cope with that! Wish me luck!!
Rhea and BA – glad you enjoyed… I will be taking photos of the mess they make soon. You will have to imagine the smell!
Debby – yeah, the Queen popping by is a definite possibility at Granite Glen. Hope she likes scotch fingers and instant coffee. And the occasional mouse scampering daintily past her ankles. We’re all ready for her…
Get a cat for the occasional mouse, why doncha?
Heavens! That’s cute overload!
I love the squeezing pic. THAT is adorable 🙂