Morning Town Ride…
Last week, we had a special treat out here in the Queensland bush.
Queensland Rail were sending an old steam train on a journey around the towns…
Queensland Rail were sending an old steam train on a journey around the towns…
So I invited myself along for the ride.
Children from various schools each had a turn, riding with excited classmates in this old lady. The excitement was palpable as she drew into out tiny stop (you couldn’t call it a station as such, athough it was once upon a time).
She hissed to a stop and we all clambered aboard… everyone nabbed their window seats and poked heads out to check this new view of their bit of the world, and we were soon
“Rockin’, rollin’, ridin'” *

Dash had to see how far down we had to fall… and some workmen took a break to wave (and possibly catch us?).
We stopped mid-bridge so the mad-keen trainspotters along for the journey could get a snap. These people are SERIOUS – we thought they were taking photos of us, but methinks their interest was in the engine. They pointedly lowered their lenses as our carriage drew near… Sheesh!

Dash was excited and had to try out every seat in our carriage…
Hello there! Who forgot to do your hair this morning, young man?

After almost two hours (the same distance takes about 20 minutes by car) the wheels slowed and we were decanted from our carriage…

Dash and one of his little buddies released some pent-up steam themselves after posing for one too many photos!

And we farewelled this grand old girl…
Thanks for the rockin’ rollin’ ride!
It was – quite literally – a blast from the past.
What a fun experience for kids and adults alike.
Sheesh, we are a long way from one another…I just noted the date over there…the 29th, still yesterday over here!
I loved seeing all the little details of your train. It was the next best thing to being there.
Pencil Writer
Train rides–such nostalgia. Thanks for sharing a bit of history! When I was close to Dash’s age my Mom, older sister, younger brother, younger sister (six weeks old at the time) and I rode trains from Salt Lake City to Chicago to New York City. That was MANY LONG years ago, but I’ll never forget it! It was an awesome trip!
And the trains that run today are NOTHING like it was back then! Waaaaaah! I wish everyone could travel by train like it was 50+ years ago. Different time, different place.
With the price of gasoline these days, it would be awesome to be able to travel by train again–except the prices today are way too excessive. My oldest daughter and I rode from East Texas to Denver, Colorado about 20 years ago. It just wasn’t the same.
Things do change with time. Some for the better. Some not.
My little 3 year old would have loved that! He is so obsessed with Thomas the Train. That steamy would have made his day!! Loved all your pictures!! Such a fun day for Dash! He looked pretty excited too!!
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Steviewren – it was lovely and nostalgic (and a little hard to find your land legs again after rocking around for a couple of hours!!). And yeah, time differences are freaky!
Debby – glad you could feel it!!
PW – I KNOW!!! Not that I am a public transport fan (another post there) but I do love the IDEA of trains. So much more sense – especially in Australia!!
Andrea – it was Thomas Tank heaven!!!
i love trains. my dad was a station agent for one of the canadian railways when i was a young child. i was riding in trains before i was born with mom riding in the caboose (the crew car at the back of the train) for doctor’s appointments when she was pregnant with me. for the first 8 years of my life i’d be rocked to sleep at night by trains going by the house.
as an adult, instead of taking the bus home i’d take the train. it was a little bit more expensive, but it was way more comfortable and the toilets didn’t smell horrid.