And the Answer is…
Well, there were a few decent (and a couple of quite imaginative) attempts to guess the Mystery Photo from my last post. (I always feel like blowing mournfully on a bugle when I say that, can’t think why?).
In the search through my enormous number of respondents (hello you five! Thanks for dropping by) I did learn that not everyone’s mind dwells in the gutter. Which I thought would be the obvious response when confronted with the above image. Apparently that’s just me.
I actually became quite informed in my investigations through the comments box. I learned that geoducks are some form of hideous-looking edible creature which lives in America (of course!). Roots and root vegetables seemed to feature also. Alas, that BB print remains in situ for a little while longer. You guys were warm but not exactly burning it up…
So – in the name of actually answering the Miss-Ter-Ree (as Dash and TLW would say, two fingers vee-ing across their eyes dramatically, ‘Hi-5’ style) – here goes.
I was walking along one of Granite Glens dirt roads with TLW and her lipstick-lovin’ cousin R. We were waiting to give SSB a lift back from his tractor to the house. (I sometimes wonder how much of my life is spent waiting for people and things… then I snap out of it. Sure way to a meltdown of TLW proportions!)

She called us over to experience her ‘find’.
Her little fingers pressed questioningly into the semi-soft, toffee-like substance.

It was quite beautiful in the afternoon light, all crazed and reflective…

“The tree is bleeding EVERYWHERE!”
And she was right, by golly!
The sap was ‘running’ down this gum from a missing branch higher up… so thick in places it formed these bizarre sap sculptures.
And R’s auntie thought,
‘Heaven’s THAT looks a bit suspect. I wonder if my readers will think it’s something rude?’
And the rest, as they say in the classics, is history.
Good to know I have high-brow readers whose minds would never sink so low as to head down the ‘male appendages’ route that someones was travelling.
Just testing.
Erm. It did occur to me, but you said that SSB was a shy and retiring sort, so I couldn’t imagine that he’d pose for that, and I had enough confidence in YOU to suspect that you weren’t running about the bush with a camera requesting pictures of…well…private bits.
I’ve never eaten a geoduck myself. I can’t eat anything that looks that gross.
Lol BB – The only reason I didn’t comment on your last post is because I couldn’t think of anything clean to say!
Great shots though 🙂
Been reading up on geoducks. All I can say is, damn…the things people will put in their mouths!
A few stitches should see that tree right 😉
Well, my first thoughts weren’t exactly clean, but I knew that wasn’t the answer;o)
lol I didn’t offer a suggestion as I knew what it was and didn’t want anyone suggesting I may have insider information!
Easy for me to say that now, however.