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Away with Dash…

Next week, Dash’s school goes away on camp. Almost all of his classmates (about 15 others from years Prep through to Seven) are camping out for four days and nights.
SSB and I have decided Dash is just not old enough yet to head off for many nights on end without us… he’s only six years old!!! After all, it was just yesterday (I’m sure!), that we were watching him learn to walk… and the day before that… well, that doesn’t bear thinking about these days. We are just up to handling sleepovers… and I’m not just talking about Dash here. Although he does freak slightly at the concept of being somewhere we (or an adult closely related to him) is not.
So instead, we are spending a couple of days having our special “kid time”.
We are hitting the road, Jack (Among Dash’s current favourite songs)…
And on previous similar outings, we have done things like whale watching.
Like riding boats, fishing …
and feeding dolphins.

This was a pretty amazing experience, during which one set of enormous brown eyes almost popped out of his little head.

It was almost as much fun as fishin’ with his Dad…

The boy can fish… his Mum loves eating fish. Not so much the actually sport that precedes that event. Or the cleaning of said fish…

But my Dash, he thinks it’s huge fun! And the little possum catches them whenever he hooks a line… he has yet to be disappointed with a still line. Who knows why… he has actually been known to give away some of his catch to other less fortunate anglers. SSB is as bemused as I about our son’s success with a fishing line.

Me? I love watching him fish. Watching our kids play with their Dad as he relaxes away from Granite Glen, and the million chores that await him back home. I love seeing our friends, the people from our city life who take time from their own hectic lives to catch up with their mad gone-country mates. Seeing the people we knew as wild single ‘youngsters’ who now have settled too, with their chosen mates and their growing families.

It’s a pretty special time in our lives really. A time where we make ourselves stop for a day or so, and assess our status quo. And savour the little milestones those special to us have achieved. The few centimetres our kids have grown. The burgeoning bellies of mums-to-be-again. The increasingly fanciful recollections of ‘the good old days’. And the sharp (sometimes sleep-infringing) reminders of just how much our lives have changed over the last ten years. For better and worse.

Does it mean you’re spoiled, if you know how lucky you are?

This year we are combining a visit to Australia Zoo, where Dash is quite sure that he will finally get to meet Bindi the Jungle Girl… Once upon a time (in my previous life as a newspaper hack) I had some connection with the fabulous Terri (and the irreplaceable Steve)… indeed I fondly remember taking photos of them the day they announced their pregnancy with little Bindi. But that was almost eleven years ago, and I doubt that I have any pull these days in helping my son meet his little heroine. I somehow imagine that the days of me rocking up to the front desk, giving my name and being met with a big American grin and a “How ya goin’ girlfriend!” are gone… things have gone from small and intimate to big and corporate in that neck of the woods! (And good luck to them!).

And we also planning on a brief look at the Ekka… a fabulous hotbed of rural people, animals, sideshow alley and the dose of citified flu. So I am facing either a massive double-whammy of excitement and delight…

…or crashing disappointment and illness.

…Wish me luck!


  • A Novel Woman

    I love your blog!

    That said, of course you have to meet Bindi. I have faith you will find a way to do it and I’ll be honest, I say that for purely selfish reasons because I want to read your account when you DO. Drop them an email and direct them to your blog so they can get to know that little Dash of yours. No one, No One, could say no to that little guy.

  • Anonymous

    I think your family vacation is a much better idea than sending your boyo off camping.

    Even if you don’t meet Bindi please take lots of pictures. I really enjoy my glimpses of Australian through your blog.


  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    Thanks for the reassurance girls… I know I sound a bit Pollyana sometimes, but while my life is not always roses, I just have so many blessings.

    I have been in touch with the zoo and apparently Terri and Bindi are off elsewhere researching crocs next week – never mind!! Am sure the enormous snakes will make up for it (although Dash has found an article on Bindi and stuck it on his wall… his first crush with an older woman, how sweet!!)

    Thanks for visiting me, and I’ll keep you posted!!!


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