Some of you may have been wondering where the illustrious/notorious
Jeanie has been over the past couple of days… well, folks, I have solved the mystery!
She has not been kidnapped and held for ransom… she is, in fact, here. Actually she is sitting on the couch beside me, blogging on her laptop as I am blogging on mine. The ultimate in sibling communication – SSB has given up on us both and ‘hit the hay’ (gone to bed, for you city-ites) as a pair. He thinks we are emailing each other!
But really, I needed Jeanie here. Much more than V needed her (really!) or Eddie, or anyone! I needed her here for numerous reasons, not the least is the delights of her company (she will be rolling her eyes by this sentence). Among these fine and varied reasons for calling her from her sickbed to the bowels of the bush, is that I am doing battle with technology. And I don’t mean just swearing when the internet connection fails (again!). Broadband satelite can bite my B*tt. Anyhoo, where was I? Oh yeah. Technology. Me. Fail. Call Sister. Jeanie.
And like a knight (OK, princess!) on a white steed (OK white station wagon) she came!
And did a little bit of this…
And a little bit of that…
And shake it all around…
Anyone chicken dancing yet? Oh. I do get a bit easily distracted around computers… you may have noticed? I get distracted by things like this…

And this…
Now that IS distracting…
And so my poor Jeanie is knee-deep in Bush Babe bulldust (of the curly technological kind) as we attempt to sort cows (in reality and in the laptop) and get their danged progeny registered and performance recorded (blah, blah, blah!)…
So I’m SORRY for stealing her… but you ain’t getting her back properly til Monday at the earliest. I’m holding her hostage until the internet backs down, the programs currently revolting against me surrender, and all my poddies get their graduation certificates by email!
It’s not too much to ask…
Yours Truly (Madly Deeply)
Bush Babe
Pencil Writer
Soooo, Jeanie’s feeling a tad better? She’s not coughing her guts out? Hip, hip, hooray for that!
And if you have a sister who’s willing to bail you (and others) out of their technologicay abysses so much the better.
Please give her pleanty of juices and fluids, Kleenexes and whatever she needs till she’s all better and back to her sunny self.
We love you both and all your tales of life and its challenges.
Smiles and hugs to you, BB and Jeanie
Please, BB, tell me that you did not drag that poor girl from her sickbed for your own selfish purposes….
And, Jeanie, gotta ask, how does it feel to be indispensible?
No, you’re not innocently sorting out the cattle…you’re both plotting taking over the world from your laptops! 😛
Hope Jeanie is feeling better and can sort your moo-ers out for you 😉
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
PW and Deb – I would like to assure you and the rest of the world that Jeanie was NOT torn from her sickbed to tend to my needs… actually she hardly coughed here so the Ventolin must’ve done the trick. But I did feel a bit guilty about it – a state in which I find myself about 95% of the time!!!
Jayne – Jeanie did indeed help untangle a LITTLE of my issues here. Enough until her next visit anyway. Why they make cow-sorting programs so bleeding convoluted is beyond me… I thought I was reasonably savvy about such things… apparently NOT!
Crazed Mom
Enjoy Jeanie’s company and send her back healthy, will ya? ;D