Horses,  The Bush

Mustering scenes

I’m taking a moment out from my current obsession – the Willy Wagtail family in our laundry. I have new (fuzzy) photos coming up of the amazing wagtail babies (oh, what I would give for a REAL macro lens right about now). But to give us all a break from the small and fuzzy, I bring you something larger and, well, hairy!

No, no, not SSB. My sweet, stern, silent, sexy hubby is rather large (at six foot two) and does have a hairy chest (or “shestez” as TLW might say) but it’s really the cattle I am referring to. Mustering cattle, to be specific.

Mustering is of the most regular of the tasks here at Granite Glen. And undoubtedly my Dad’s very favourite part of life out here. Riding horses (no motorbikes or helicopters here thanks very much!) under the wide blue sky, rounding up bovines from a paddock, and taking them to the nearest set of yards and doing whatever needs to be done. Dipping, inoculating, branding, weaning, drafting, weighing. Lots of maintenance is needed in a cattle breeding operation. Which means lots of mustering. I reckon it’s Dad’s version of yoga or meditation – an active exercise in mind relaxation which helps to put the world into perspective. And SSB is not much different. I used to love it, but rarely get to these days. I miss it. So with this in mind, I give you:


This shot is taken about 9am – SSB has already gathered his mob of cattle to a dam, and is waiting on my brother and Dad to gather their mobs (from different parts of this paddock) to the agreed meeting point. (In the foreground are Dash, TLW and ‘Salina – all wishing they were riding too, instead of just waiting with boring old Mum to have a paddock picnic). The cattle are young females (heifers) who were weaned a few months ago. They are kinda like teenagers – all cheeky and trying out the boundaries. Fun!

Hello there cows! Oh, heifers… sorry. Didn’t mean to be offensive! My name is The Little Woman and I shall be rounding you up on Rob Roy really soon! Won’t that be fun?
I love cracking the whip so you’d better watch out!

Hello hubby!
SSB is waiting patiently, holding his mob on the water (with his dogs, Cruel, Patch and Jet helping where needed). And there is my brother Pig, riding ahead of his mob down the hill…

SSB doesn’t want his heifers to race up the hill (as they want to) to meet Pig’s heifers. So he needs to stay in position between them until…

… the second mob get close enough …

… to ensure they all stay…

..near the dam, and not racing all over the countryside and generally causing havoc…
it’s kinda like a physics equation really… the force of the descending mob must outweigh the upward force of the waiting mob… or something like that! Physics was never my forte!

There! All the mob is now milling safely in the corner between the dam and the fence (near camera). Ready to walk through the shallow water to the gateway (to right of shot).

Well done Dad! Well done Pagi. Well done Uncle Pig!

Oh hang on… the ‘teenage’ boys decide they won’t walk through the water to the gate. Blinkin’ cheeky, frisky heifers. So they boys take them around the dam. Patience is a virtue much required (sometimes hard to come by) while mustering. Now SSB is staying this side of the water to make sure the little devils don’t decide to head around the dam and cross back this way. They can be ornery like that.

So SSB and his steed get to paddle through the dam – and the dogs enjoy a bit of a swim.

Splish, splash, they were takin’ a bath!

Pagi oversees the procedure. Through the gate now…
Job well done!!

Smoko time, boys…


  • Debby

    YOU CALL YOUR BROTHER THE PIG???!!!! How did this come to be? There’s a story there.

    Thanks for letting us ride along. It was fun to watch, and my butt did not even get sore. I must be getting better at this mustering thing.


  • Portia

    Great pictures. Your corner of the world is beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.

    I’m with Debbie wondering about your brother Pig. Did your parents not like him or did he do something to earn that name?

  • Kate

    Love the pics! It is so beautiful there and i wish i was on horseback mustering cattle right about now. Of course i would probably make a real mess out of it and have cattle running from here to kingdom come…but i’d have fun! So are there no snakes in the paddock? I am totally obsessed with the snakes after that last post about them.

  • Tami W.

    I’m really enjoying your blog. Australia is sooooo beautiful. I can not wait to have the time to go through your older posts. Thank you for sharing.

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