November Fairy Dust

At the very end of October, every year, something magical happens around Queensland…
Actual Fairies visit one night…
And sprinkle a little magic through streets and backyards from the city to the bush…
It’s purple fairy dust!

And the soft blue-purple blossoms on these amazing trees transform everyday streets into something a little bit special…
I can almost see Tinkerbell flitting off from this tree, can’t you?
She even sprinkled a little purple dust over the playground at TLW’s Kindy…
It only lasts a couple of weeks, so it’s important to stop and savour the sweep of colour along footpaths and on lawns.
A magic purple carpet of bell blossoms…
BB Question: What are the fairies bringing to your gardens at the moment?
P.S. Back to Jeanie’s wedding updates shortly!
I know! I can see it too!
I am up with my sister who I haven’t seeen for 25 months. She was very unwell earlier in the year but is doing well now.
Did you ever find the willy wagtails again with their baby?
My mom has a magpie lark in a mud nest just next to her back porch in a tulip tree. I am going to photograph it tomorrow. My student has written an article on it, for our science blog.
Does the jacaranda have a scent? The blossoms look like something that fairies would gather to make their little dresses and caps, which explains why the fairies are nowhere to be found here. It’s snowing.
I’m actually surprised to see a post. Back to your sister’s wedding. It’s one day away, don’t you know. And God help you all, she’s finally delegating. :^D
Those are beautiful!! I wonder if they would grow here!!
The fairies must be sad here today. We are getting rain, but it’s much needed, so I can’t complain.
My garden is under a foot of snow… But that’s okay, i actually love snow! Those trees are AMAZING! Purple trees? I had no clue. So beautiful. Thanks!! And good luck with the wedding!
A Novel Woman
Wow, what a cool tree! I’ve never seen one of those before.
The leaves are all off our trees now, and the next few weeks promise to be dark and dreary, with November rain. Their are no fairies in my backyard, only Buddy Bombs. Alas, no magic there.
Looking forward to wedding updates!
They are lovely.
What breathtakingly beautiful blooms, Bush Babe!:o) I’ve never seen anything like it here. We do have catalpa trees that shed white blossoms, but the effect just isn’t the same.
Wrensong Farm
We had Jacaranda trees in Southern California where I grew up. They are a spectacular tree!
I think the fairies here were a little too active (too much coffee?) one night….I got up the next morning and all the branches were bare and the leaves were on the ground. I guess winter is on it’s way….
Pencil Writer
What a coooool tree! Huge and beautiful. Y’all have fun tomorrow and the next day! Hugs for Jeanie and all you great Aussie gals in the family.
Tell me what you think of this WV: eninione
Something like eni meni one? No?
there’s a few words i thought of as i looked at the lavender tree…
i wish we could have that here!