All posts,  Weather

Steaming, swimming and see ya!

To say today was a bit warm would be a serious understatement.
It was so freaking knee-bucklingly hot there was steam from my sweat beads.
And not only was the mercury hovering around 40 degrees (centigrade) for the majority of the day, it was also Dash’s swimming carnival at a local town. Which SOUNDS appealing. But only to those actually IN the water.
I was just steamin’ up a storm on the sidelines.
It wasn’t pretty, people. Any makeup I may have hopefully applied at 8am was in a puddle by my Colorado sandals by 9.
Dash, however, had a blast – doing his funny little Grant Hackett (or is that Matt Walsh?) impersonations across the pool. And look out any little girl with the audacity to swim in front of him!
He’s smiling as he mows her down!!
And if a five hour swimming carnival wasn’t enough, his tiny school decided to spend the remainder of the school day … swimming!
Despite my discomfort, it was lovely to see the youngsters splish-splashing about.
Showing off their freestyle style.
Practicing dives.
And generally annoying their teacher.
Hello Mr C!
Mr C is our current teacher – at a one teacher school about 20km from Granite Glen. To say he does an amazing job would be like calling the temperature today lukewarm… the man can juggle eight levels of schooling along with principal-type administrative tangles, meetings galore and handles the minefield of P&C interaction with barely a murmur of protest. And he cooks a mean BBQ. The whole community thinks Mr C is a bit special – especially Dash. Dash has never had another teacher in his entire almost-two years of formal schooling. Actually, Dash considers Mr C his own personal mentor/plaything.

It seems to be a common attitude at the school.
Hello? Mr C?
Need a hand?
Look out… he’s going down!!
Luckily Mr C is a resourceful young man.
And he can feign a good drowning in order to shake off all those admirers.

Well, almost.
Look closely at this photo.
See that little guy on the right?
Well, his heart is gonna break tomorrow.
Cause after three years, it’s Mr C’s last day at our little school.
And while we do wish him lots of luck in his new endeavours…
he’s leaving some awfully big thongs* to fill!
(* where thongs = flip flops, not a g-string. I hope.)
See ya, Mr C.
We’re sure gonna miss you in these parts.


  • Debby

    Oh poor Dash. Dedicated teachers are rare jewels indeed. At least in America.

    Oh. And yesterday, it was -10 C here. My make up did not puddle. It promptly froze to my face, so solidly, that even the windswept tears did not mar my makeup.

  • Andrea’s so nice to see some sunny warm weather!! It just snowed here, for the first time in years!! Crazy!!

    I hope you can find a new teacher as wonderful as Mr. C!!

  • Reddunappy

    Cant I win the lottery so I can live in the us in july aug sept and in Oz land in dec jan feb,oh lottery gods LOL fat chance I have to BUY a ticket first LOL.
    Oh someone else that calls them thongs LOL LOL my teenager is just offended when I slip and call her flip-flops THONGS!! LOL LOL thats what we called them when we grew up! And it didnt mean butt floss then LOL

  • jeanie

    Oh I didn’t know Mr C was leaving. 🙁 Poor Dash.

    Have a great day at the break-up day!!!

    We had ours yesterday too – no shade (or even a welcome) for any family that went (there were at least 5 of us – in a school of 300) and they were allowed a 10 minute play so long as they didn’t splash or scream – as there was another school ready for their carnival waiting in the sidelines.

  • Kate

    Okay it’s snowing and freezing cold here. I really wish i could be swimming right now! Dash is so stinking cute! What a doll. And Mr. C is darn cute too. I need to come to Australia.

  • Gem

    Hi BB, My kids also go to a small school (36 kids total). We have some incredible teachers also. I hope Dash doesn’t take it too hard and that the replacement is just as great.
    We have our pool ready to go but it really hasn’t been hot enough to get in yet!

  • Anonymous

    Oh it’s so cold here! Enjoy your heat.

    I would love to be on your “Who rides with me” list, but my computer still won’t have anything to do with this type of blog, thus the anon comments from me. I guess I’ll have to find someone to convince it otherwise.


  • rhubarbwhine

    I can’t do the ‘rides with me’ list either.

    It’s hard when a country posting finishes, and I am assuming this is the case (I could be wrong!) I still remember my first long haul, so many great memories there)

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