We have spent the last two weekends at
Now I love campdrafting – or to be more specific, I love watching campdrafting.
But being out all weekend with two little kids in dusty, hot, hectic environments can be… well… wearing. And can play havoc with one’s laundry situation. But through the endless action, busy horse-infested crowds and gritty tiredness (and lets not forget endless calls for ‘ice-cream Mummy!’) there are some moments that just make it all worthwhile.
For instance…
this is Dash with his mate T.

T is not large but he is quite an experienced little horseman. His Ma and Pa were busy running the campdraft (and doing a
sterling job) and competing (and blasting around that course like the
seasoned professionals that they are) and generally being
superheroes, while T was warming up for the Mini Draft (for littlies). Just for the record he came second.
Dash is not quite as experienced or confident as T.
But enthusiastic?
The boy takes gold in that department!
Here, Dash is about to show T he can canter Lacey around the practice arena.

T is on the pony almost out of shot at left.
Mr Incredible is blocking the gateway near the stalls – Lacy is a darling but has a bit of a bad habit of wanting to gallop back ‘home’. I’m not sure who the other gent was in the gateway, but he was just as entranced by the action afoot as we were.

And Dash and Lacey are off…
cantering and kicking up dust like nobodies business.

Can you see the grin on our boy?
Never mind that
little gap that keeps appearing between
knees and

Go Lacey! Go Dash!
Now I’m not sure if it’s evident here, but that fence is getting a little close for Lacey’s comfort.
Not that Dash is paying attention – he’s just making sure T is getting the full impact of this horsemanship exhibition.
If the photographer had been truly committed to her art, the next frame should have shown Lacey braking sharply, and Dash hurtling through the air in somersault fashion, reins still firmly gripped.
And then the following frame would have shown Mr Incredible sprinting up to see his if his only son was still breathing.
And then the one after that, would have shown Dash standing up with a wide grin announcing that
before clambering back on board again.
But I had decided instead to lower the camera and yell at my husband to see if we needed an ambulance. My Mother Instinct trumps my Photographer Instinct apparently.
But I have to say that, in editing this series of photos, this crop of the final shot – a millisecond before my son tasted dust – is my total favourite…

I think the word is
of he is so cute! i can’t believe you put the camera down to though ; )
that last shot is great! pure bliss!
Cactus Jack Splash
Great shots. He sure looks like he was having a grand time. Glad he was not hurt in his tumble.
Pony Girl
I think it would have scared me to see a photo of his tumble, for sure! I do love that last shot, pure joy. I’m glad he hopped back in saddle. Mamas, don’t let you babies grow up to be cowboys…. 😉
Can’t wait to see the rest of the campdrafting pictures.
Woman in a Window
That is cheek pinching GLEE! (Glad no ambulance was needed in the making of this blog post.)
Mary Paddock
I remember parting company with my horse under similar circumstances when I was about thirteen. I did not get up smiling.
Dash is my hero.
And you are too, for making sure he’s wearing a helmet during those early haphazard years. 🙂
Poor old Lacey – to think, she thought she was retired only a few years ago!!
Still, I am glad that mother took over from photographer. And doubly glad that he got up smiling.
Glee indeed, BB. Oh, to be a kid again, eh?
Glee! That is the best look to see on a young one’s face!! Now that he’s learned how not to get hurt when falling off, we need to teach him how not to fall off. Good thing Lacey took care of him!
BTW, My cowgirl took her first tumble a few weeks ago, and my heart goes out to you. That fear is awful!!
That last shot is the money shot! Such a happy grin.
What a good sport you are Dash!!!!! And getting back on that horse, you are also a very brave good sport!! Good going leaving those medics to stay in the shade of their ambulances:-)
Mum, I recommend a good strong drink, of the alcholic kind.
Theresa in Alberta
Oooh. You’ve got a future campdrafter on your hands for sure. I love that big grin of his. Love it. You might be a little behind on the laundry woman, but you are certainly giving those children some wonderful childhood memories.
My advice? Screw the laundry, BB.
Mom L
Now you’ve got 2 great slogans: crop the crap and screw the laundry!!! Hilarious!
I totally admire Dash – what a great kid. Both of them are – you’ve done a great job. How did Lacey react to “losing” Dash? But what a beautiful grin he has in that photo.
Nancy in Atlanta
Danielle Michelle
What a cowboy!
He does look soooo happy!! He is such a trooper to laugh it off and get back on. I am glad he had so much fun!!
I’m totally with Debby on this one. Screw the laundry, these memories with your kids are priceless. Thanks so much for sharing them with us! That last picture is so awesome, it makes me happy to just see how happy he is. That grin is worth a lot of laundry. And i love Mr. I standing watch in the background, so proud of his boy 🙂
These are marvelous photos and what wonderful memories and times you and the kids are having together 🙂
Country Girl
Glee is truly the perfect word.
Hey, just saw your comment over at Woman in a Window and I am so glad that I am not the only one who reads her posts twice sometimes, still wondering if I read that correctly . . . I had to laugh.
What a brave little cowboy he is indeed! And that face full of glee – can only come from the joy of riding! What a priceless pic, BB. Thanks.
Pencil Writer
Priceless! A+++ for enthusiastic Dash! Great photos, Mom. Sorry he had a spill, but then, riding horses . . . *grin*