A little officework…
A quick catch-up on the Mystery Photo competitions… the latest one was guest-held by Scotty over at his place (after he won here and ‘paid it forward’ here before you got back here – I get lost just explaining it!).
The winner (drumroll) was Kelly from Arkansas, USA.
Congrats Kelly – let me know when you have chosen your favourite shot!
Congrats Kelly – let me know when you have chosen your favourite shot!
Happy trawling and don’t get scared off by the goannas.
They are quite friendly – not like the bunyips!
There’s a new Bush Babe Battle on it’s way – probably sometime next week.
It’s a contest with a difference… one you may have been waiting for.
Stay posted!
(Oh, I crack myself up!)

I am just trying to tempt Kelly to choose one of my ‘horse eye’ photos… I have a somewhat bizarre obsession with them. This is Trooper gazing adoringly at Mr Incredible. If you look really close you can see him in the reflection. If you peer even harder, you can also see me (behind my hubby) taking the photo. But Troop isn’t focussed on me. I don’t exist when Mr Incredible is around. He’s a devoted soul, our big chestut stock horse.
Lucky I am not a jealous woman!
Mom L
I love your horse eye photos!!! What a beautiful creation is the horse….
Nancy in Atlanta
The horse eye is quite interesting, but I’m leaning towards a tree or sunset.
So many to choose from! Almost as mind-boggling as trying to follow the catch-up at the beginning of this post!
I’ll have to visit here often. I can tell it’s an entertaining place to be.
Cactus Jack Splash
I love eye photos, so soulful
Ok, this has absoutely nothing to do with this post, but I just just got done reading the Aussie Lingo guide & it was crackin' me up!! I just had to comment, but I didn't know if you would see it if I put it on that thread. My sister in law used to play basketball in Australia & had a host family that she stayed with. They came to visit here a couple of months ago & I was lovin' thier lingo! Their little girl (6 years old) was the most fun to listen to, but boy did she have a little mouth on her! I'll never forget the first time I heard her say "What the hell…"! I thought I had heard her wrong, but everyone else's eyes were wide as saucers, too! I loved when she asked for "chips and sauce" (for french fries and catsup). Also, I have a niece named Devan, which is apparently HAM in Australia? 😉 Then, my other sister in law asked this little girl if she was called a "shiela" and she got a wierd look on that one. She was probably thinking "what the hell" to herself! Someone needs to make sure The Outback gets that memo, 'cause they have "shiela" on the door for the women's restroom! Anyway, sorry for the off-topic comment, but I just had to let you know how much I enjoyed the tutorial! 🙂
Love the photo, congrats to Kelly! 🙂
Mom L
BTW – forgot to tell you that I like the new colorful header! Especially now that I know what bell boots are!!! And somehow I missed the last couple of posts, so I’m catching up now. And choking over your maniacal tin box that closed over 2 little girls!
Nancy in Atlanta