Family affair
One of the great things about “Australia’s One Horse Sport” (campdrafting)
is that it can truly be called a family affair.
For instance, a couple of weekends ago, trucks and goosenecks and vans crowded the local showgrounds for the three-day event – and there were kids in almost every camp. And trust me, most of them weren’t just there as spectators!
For instance, a couple of weekends ago, trucks and goosenecks and vans crowded the local showgrounds for the three-day event – and there were kids in almost every camp. And trust me, most of them weren’t just there as spectators!
Among the horse-lovin’ families there were my friends W and P
(they of the fence-sitting butts fame)
and their delightful kids J and T
(yes, Dash’s little mate!)
Not only does Mum get to compete…
(many times, and take home some ribbons)

… Dad cuts out and gallops and shoulders the odd beast around the campdraft course
(oh, and also take home some of the loot on offer)
(recognise P? He was the headless horseman of this post!)
… AND daughter J gets to try her hand in the Juvenile Draft …
Taking her Freisian steer from the camp out into the arena…

And hacking around beautifully after him –
applause for the doll on the chestnut horse please!

Of course Mum keeps a close eye on proceedings
(and offers a few quiet words of encouragement)
for both her little campdrafters.
Look out!
Here comes T
competing for honour and glory and a fluoro waterbottle
in the Mini Draft.

Reins in one hand, green stick in the other to ‘coax’ a little more action from his very patient grey pony!
And he is off!
And around the first peg… that is one busy stick in his right hand!
I’m thinking the steer is veering in the right direction in very fear of that flailing twig…
And back they come, perfectly lining up the second peg!
(Is anyone else concerned at the size ratio between horse and steer? Luckily T’s attitude is bigger than any old galloping bovine…)
I am having trouble by this stage keeping the camera steady.
I laughed and cheered and almost cried.
Funniest, most determined darned thing I ever saw.
I doubt you could cope with the cuteness of it all over again…
I sure couldn’t.
He got second.
And a green fluoro waterbottle.
And almost cracked a smile – I suspect he had his eye on the blue ribbon!
But campdrafting, as they say in the classics, was the real winner on the day.
Plowing and Sowing
That is awesome. Looks like y’all had fun.
The cuteness factor was pretty darned high! And Dash does look pretty proud of himself as well he should. Tell him congrats!
I LOVE the helmets y’all have there. They’re so cute. And your games look fun. Different from ours here in the American west yet also similar.
Cactus Jack Splash
So cute
Woman in a Window
What great family fun! Those kids are gonna grow up formidable.
Looks like a great time for the whole family 🙂
Bush Babe
It’s amazing that everyone can play the same ‘game’ I reckon – a great drawcard for the sport! And the kids get louder cheers than the adults sometimes.
NB It was not Dash riding in this event – he is nowhere near confident or in control enough for that! T has been riding since he could walk and has been around campdrafting just as long – he would be one of the youngest competitors (at not-quite-seven years old) but certainly not the least experienced!!!
What a fun day! I have been wanting to try our team penning! Meghan and I will have to do it after she is done with High School Equestrian Team! I have to get myself back in riding shape! LOL
Pony Girl
I think it looks like great fun for the whole family! You captured it very well in your photos. That little white pony was a doll, love his eyes in one of those last shots.
I’m glad that T won his green fluoro water bottle. It would have been tragic if he hadn’t.
Reddirt Woman
You all have the most gorgeous horses working those cattle. Even the grey pony is a little beauty.
Love it when you share the photos of the horses working.
I took a look at the link to your info blog on the sport. Fun and informative. We have a rodeo arena within walking distance of our house where there are lots of dust and saddles and confused cattle. There are competitions much like campdrafting, but your photos (Levi butts and all)and comments make me wish I could see your version–the whole cow and pony show. btw I am guessing goosenecks are some kind of horse trailer?
I am officially in love with this sport! I wish they did it around here. T is so stinking cute. His determination is amazing. He is going to be a first rate campdrafter in no time. I mean he is now but soon he will be able to ride a horse bigger than the cows 🙂