It’s been a momentous day here at Granite Glen.
We started pretty early – Salina and Dash were up with the birds,
and with this little little fella…
the Amazing Axel.
Amazing if he ever grows into those feet.
Amazing bodily function control for a nine-week-old
(no house/car messes yet – touch wood!)
Oh, and there WAS something else happening today…
What was it again??

Dash turned seven.
And after tearing into his presents (yes that is a giant Bumblebee Transformer, for all you other Transformer afficianados out there!) I had a moment or two to reflect on the seven years that have passed since Dash arrived on the scene.
On the seven years since the obstetrician held up a strapping, big, vernix-covered baby boy to show Mr Incredible and I.
Seven years since I first heard those words: You’re a Mum!
Seven years since I first learned the real meaning those words: the sheer terror and simultaneous explosion of joy that accompanies that realisation as you gaze on the squirming bundle in the cot beside the hospital bed.
Seven years since I embarked upon one of the most incredible rollercoaster rides of my life – emotionally for me and my husband, physically for my son.
Seven years ago today, I had no idea of what lay before me.
Thank God.
If I did, I might never have embarked on the journey proper, and learned that from duress and unimaginable obstacles, can come something so pure and hard-won and delightful, that it makes you forget the ‘tough stuff’ ever happened.
I might never have known this grand little man
with his extraordinary long fingers
his expressive wide brown eyes
his determination and his desire to please
His love of guns and Ninja turtles
His love of guns and Ninja turtles
Tranformers and horses and Great Danes.
Happy Birthday Dash! My second son turned seven this year, and his present? A Bumblebee Tranformer. Must be something about seven-year-old boys.
Cactus Jack Splash
Happy birthday Dash
Happy Birthday, Dash. Lovely thoughts, BB. As always, thanks for sharing.
Mom L
Happy birthday, little big man Dash, from a friend across the sea!
Happy Birthday Dash! You are such a brave, tenacious guy, a real inspiration; onya little mate. Oh and you have an amazing family.
Horse & Farming Fan in WA,
Happy Birthday Dash!!! You are so handsome and sweet and i have loved reading your story and riding along through childhood with you. You and Violet remind me each day to be more childlike and take joy in everything around me. Happy Birthday!!!
Love the cake BB, good job!!
Woman in a Window
You breed ’em weird over there. Cake only no icing? WHAT? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?
Dash. Perfectly named, even if it’s only his blog name. Happy Birthday.
That was so sweet. Happy Birthday, Dash. & I love the cake! Great job, BB.
Amber~ Care and Feeding of Wild Things
Buon Compleanno Dash! That’s Happy Birthday in Italian… (you’re never too young to learn a foreign language)! I hope your day was special and fun!
Pencil Writer
Happy Birthday, Dash. I suspect Mom was perhaps a little tongue in cheek on the boring next 7 years . . .
You do, BB, have two of the cutest children! Enjoy–and I know you do.
(I have to wonder about Axel growing into those humongus feet, too!)
Pencil Writer
Oh, I know the Violet thing about cake w/o icing. I’m sort of that way myself, but my oldest daughter–totally.
Pony Girl
I hope your dashing son had a super great 7th Birthday! 😉
The little Axel pup has the cutest big legs, LOL!
Birthday greetings to Dash and many more to come! I am sure each will be better than the last.
Blessings to you BB!
Robin from OK
Stumbled over here from Ree’s site and saw your new puppy:-) Also read about Cosmo and it brought tears to my eyes. Wow, the dog that showed at Ree’s place DOES look like Cosmo! I’m so sorry you lost Cosmo, i know how badly that hurts BUT i am so happy to see that you have gotten a new puppy:-)
Congrats and I do look forward to seeing more pics of Axel!
Oh, and happy birthday to Dash;-)
Well, happy seventh birthday Dash! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle thing brings back memories. When my great grown son was seven, they were his favorites as well.
Oh, and Mum? Re: We hope the next seven are as boring as heck. Yeah. You’ve got a boy. Not going to happen. Buckle your seat belt and hold on tight.
Happy Birthday little man!!!
A very Happy Birthday Dash man from Canada!!!!!!!!!
Theresa In Alberta
Babe honey, hug those littles one’s OFTEN,they grow up WAY to quickly!! mine are in their 20’s and it was just yesterday they we your kids size, sniff
happy hatch day to the dash dude!! seven is a wonderful age. when boy was seven he adored transformers too. he had a bazillion of them including two large ones. one turned into a jet, the other into a manta ray.
bb, do cherish these times. they pass all too quickly. i wish we had digital cameras when boy was little they are so much less expensive and easier to access than printed photos. boy is now nearly 17 (may 25). i adore him now, and i miss him from then. he’s grown into a very neat person though.
Happy 7th birthday Dash , have a good one 🙂
Bush Babe
Oh, thanks so much for your good wishes… Dash will look at me as if I am queer when I pass them on, but am sure when he reads this himself in about five years time he will be suitably impressed/embarassed that his Ma shared his devotion to all things Transformer and Ninja with the world!
He did have a lovely day – there was a little happy sigh after he blew his candles out said it all.
Bush Babe
And he will be embarrassed that his Mother couldn’t spell ’embarrass’!!!
ha – now is your chance to set that straight – teach him wrong about the spelling and he will never know.
my WV is cider – how cool.
Looking forward to seeing Dash today and giving him his pressie.