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Goodwill and the Girl

A quickie tonight…
The Goodwill Games were held at Dash’s tiny one-teacher school on Saturday.
The school’s P&C were uber busy (hence BB was kinda flat strap!) getting ready to cater and help generally prepare for the event.
The weather was kind (not like this day)
The people came in their dozens (not quite 100s!)
The kids had a blast running, jumping, throwing and generally having a red hot go at the events.
Goodwill abounded in each and every corner.
It was fabulous darlings!
And we also made an Incredible Discovery…
Despite the fact that neither Mr Incredible nor I can run out of sight on a dark night
(i.e. we are a tad slow in the sprinting department)
Violet can motor...
The 80 metres “hurdles” (over strategically placed empty beer cartons)
saw the true competitive beast unearthed in our darling four-year-old daughter.
The starters gun erupted, and she dodged the first couple of obstacles and then looked across the field, saw what the other kids were doing, and floored it.
Leap, stride, stride, stride, leap, stride, stride, stride, leap…
My jaw was literally on the ground, as I stood there watching.
Who knew she could run like that?
Mum , who was posted a little closer to the finish line, said she
‘just got this look on her face…’
And was wearing an enormous grin as she swung around to see who noticed.
She even took out Age Champion and got a shiny trophy.
She wasn’t entirely sure what it was all about…
but I can tell you that trophy is now a treasured bedside ornament.
I knew that gritty determination would come through somewhere good!

In other news, I will announce the winner of the Caption Contest tomorrow.
No shiny trophies though.
Just the glow of contentment that comes with being a real smart … person.
Oh, and a BB print too. Stay tuned…


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