Trek back in time…
Are you sick of reading about puppies and foals and bulls yet?
Have my Lovers of Old Stuff abandoned ship in the deluge of all things furry?

and discarded snakeskins?
Do you miss rusty and dried-up and peeling?
(I shall spank anyone who makes a crack about those adjectives describing this blog author!)
Fear not friends…
I have discovered as-yet-unpublished images from the bowels of my external hard drive which I have meant to post here for ages…
…photos that have been gathering dust and growing cobwebs.
Kinda apt, one might say?
It has pink bouganvillea creeping around it’s windows and festive lights draped haphazardly along the wall year-round…
This is the miniscule timber church in the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it township where I went to school as a kid. We had Sunday School here, attended church services at Easter and Christmas here. The lawn was always mown and fresh native flowers decorated the alter (usually arranged by my green-thumbed Aunt Bon Bon).
This was the place I took one of my first communions.
Cool timber pews welcomed sturdy big bottoms and impatient little ones.
I took these shots while waiting for Mr Incredible to pick up a carton of wine from the lovely owners of this pub, with kids asleep in the back seat of the Prado.
It’s what I do.

Cool timber pews welcomed sturdy big bottoms and impatient little ones.
There is no lining on the walls and I was always fascinated by the shafts of light streaming in through the rarely-opened windows – highlighting the tiny particles of dust dancing in the air.
I love that it is unprepossessing – no ornate gold leaf here.
I like my religion unfettered by the grandiose human touch.
Actually, I like lots of things that way.
You might have noticed.
How ’bout you?
Are you drawn to the decorative or unadorned?
I like the unadorned, as plain as possible. Lets you see the real thing.. not all decorated. Great church picture.
A Novel Woman
I grew up with big cathedrals, and still feel at home when I'm in them. But truthfully, I now get the same sense of the divine when I'm in a quiet forest, surrounded by old cedars filtering the sunlight as beautiful as any stained glass window, and accompanied by a choir of songbirds.
Definitely the unadorned. Definitely. Awesome pics.
Mom L
Lovely! As a kid, I also went to an old wooden church, another St. Paul's, and your pictures and description evoked warm Sunday mornings. I can see those dust motes in the rays of sunshine!
BTW, I have finally started packing!!!
Nancy in Atlanta (for now)
Hm. I like the furry. I like the old. I like the rusty. I like the unadorned. Just keep posting. I'll keep reading. I'm like that.
Was just think about small churches last night. We have a small community church here that host a Mass on Saturday Evenings from September through May. I'm missin' it. The little building that holds about 50 folks. Sigh…gotta go into town for mass at the cathedral for the summer.
"I like my religion unfettered by the grandiose human touch.
Actually, I like lots of things that way."
Oh yes! Yes, indeed!
Old things, simple things, sunsets, and trees, these are a few of my favorite things. You always show them so beautifully here.
What Debby said…
Beautiful! I love simple, unadorned thing. And the first picture of the pub with the bougainvillea is just lovely.