
Weather Wednesday – or What Happened to Spring?

Went for a flying trip to Big Town sans children today
– that’s six hours driving, six hours dealing with shops and appointments…
I did take a few seconds out for Weather Wednesday photos on the way home
(only a few though, precious cargo on board: fresh Indian curries for family!).
I don’t know about you, but our weather is INSANE at the moment.
Remember how we had WINTER about 2 days ago?
(OK it was a bit longer, but you get my meaning…)
Well now we are in a hellish kind of premature summer
and are knee-deep in BUSHFIRE WEATHER.
Seriously. Paddocks were smoking everywhere. This was about 1 hour from Granite Glen – but country which has had about the same amount of rain as us. These fires were widespread but under control apparently. Everything is sooo dry it’s just gone in minutes once the grass is alight. A little scary really. I know I sound like a cracked record, but we need rain to help ease the threat (and help the green grass shoot back through the already-charred countryside).
And how’s this for serious spring warmth?
(Check out the dash lights if you can squint that hard – ignore the insect-plastered windscreen!)
After 6pm and still 22 degrees celsius (71.6 F)!
On Monday we broke the all-time record for an August day with 35.6 C (96F) maximum
In August… yikes!
Tomorrow’s forecast for Granite Glen:
MINIMUM – 8 degrees C
MAXIMUM – 30 degrees C
CHANCE OF RAIN – 20% of less than 1mm (did someone say spit?)
And your forecast?
Don’t forget to share where you are in the world…
Is the season weird for you too?


  • Deb

    Extremely weird! Had a visit from our first Hurricane on Sunday. Mega amounts of rain and damaging surf and rip currents. Fortunately it was far enough out to sea to do any serious damage. A close call – now the heat has returned, projected forecast is 90 today and 40 tomorrow night. Talk about drastic changes!

    I'll keep trying to send our rain your way and pray that the fires stay away from Granite Glen.

    Do you have put up hay for your animals or do you have grazing to last the entire year? Just curious.


  • Deb

    It's a rainy day here in Michigan. Yesterday was quite warm, in the mid 80's but thankfully low humidity so I didn't have to turn the ac on. It's supposed to rain off and on all day but no thunder, thankfully. The pups don't like that! Unfortunately the weather forecasters are predicting really cool temps for the weekend again, with only a high of 60 something on Sunday! Right now, at 8:00 a.m. it's 64F with light rain. Good for the garden! Predicted high for today low to mid 70's (F).

  • Lydia

    Hey Deb, you got the rain from South Dakota — now we just need to send it around the world and to the Southern Hemisphere!

    We are getting nice weather for the rest of the week lows in the 50s (10 c) and highs in the 70s and 80s (20-28 c) with no rain in sight. Perfect for my roofers to come in and get my roof done.

    Praying safety for you in Granite Glen. Heaven knows you need rain and protection from the fires.

  • Debby

    We joke back and forth about sending our rain to Australia. Seriously, I wish that we could. You are in such dire straits because of the lack of rain. We are still repairing the damages from the flash flooding that we've had. Three counties to the north meet the qualifications to receive federal assistance from FEMA. A happy medium would be good news. How long have you been dealing w/ your drought situation? It has to be close to 5 years, at a minimum, right?

  • Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella

    That's crazy weather! Although I really wish we had 22 degree nights round about now. I am really ready for Summer! 🙂

  • Jenni

    Here in south central Kansas we have had temperatures very similar to yours, 70s to mid 90s, and lots of rain. That is not the norm for us this time of year, but it has been pleasant. Usually temperatures are in the 90s to 100s here in August and very dry. Stepping outside in Kansas in August normally feels like stepping into an oven. I don't mind the change, but I've heard people say that we've had too much rain and not enough sun this summer and their vegetable patches are not producing like they normally do.

  • Jenni

    Oops, forgot to say that this morning the temp is somewhere in the 70s and I just opened the stalls for the horses as it looks like there will be more rain.

  • Danielle Michelle

    We had like no fires this year and it looks like you're going to have another bad one. I hope it rains!!! Praying it your way.

  • Sandie

    Here in Wisconsin USA it's been cool and rainy the last few days (high 60's low 70's F). Prior to that we had heat wave of high 80's & 90's and dry. Aug in WI is usually hot. But I do love the cool weather.

  • Liz

    I'm in Arkansas, which is notorious for bad August weather (mostly highs in the 100's), but this year we've been in the mid 80's, which is unheard of. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an early fall.

  • A Novel Woman

    We have each other's weather, only in reverse!! It was 30C on Tuesday and tonight it's going down to 1C with a frost warning. Aiee! That's Montreal. They dangle a bit of summer at you then they rip it away…

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