The Bush,  Weather

Bush Cup Details: heat, hats and hobby horses

Yesterday was Melbourne Cup Day
A day to throw on some glad rags
Fill up the esky with beer, wine and finger food
And head west in search of Race Day, Bush style!
We found it. Sixty kilometres from Granite Glen at my cousin Em’s lovely home.
Past the burned-out paddocks, over the long dirt roads, under a wide blue sky.
It was a hot (oy the heat) but happy day.
I made a little effort (hey I painted my nails!) but failed to reach the sartorial elegence of most present on the day. I have a serious issue with hats – they just look weird on me. Unless they are caps or cowboy hats, I cannot wear them.
It’s among my many foibles.
There was even a dog with a better outfit on than me…
Say hello to Jack.
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Jack can work a camera, and work a crowd…
To wit: both achieved simultaneously!
In an effort to outdo this satorially splendid pooch
the local ladies put in the hard yards to spruce up too…mcup09_0076
Gorgeousness abounded.
Feathered fascinators made a big comeback … sidenote: I can’t do fascinators either.
I tried, I really did. But me and the feathers, it was just wrong. So very wrong.
Here however is someone who can wear a hat with style…
one of my recent commenters, I believe, looking stunning.
There was a fashion parade also, with models plucked from the onlookers.
(I cried off from duties, being old, fat and lame… and busy, on photo duty!)
This beautiful young woman was among the models, and she did a great job…
Not the least of her challenges was negotiating the steps in these fabulous shoes…
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Oh, the envy I feel at her pretty feet, her agile negotiation of the steps, those shoes…
I couldn’t even negotiate the lawn in 1 inch heels without hitting the turf. Pathetic!
But you are not here to contemplate my physical and mental issues, or clumsiness.
You are here for FUN and PRETTY today.
Oh look…
Sweet and pretty.
That will do nicely …
My cousin’s daughter (soooo, my second cousin?) frolicking on the ‘race-track’where the hobby horse derby took place. Is she not the cutest thing? (And yes, I am aware that I say that about pretty much every young human on this blog. But seriously people… scrumptious, no?)
I will showcase more on the HH Derby tomorrow.
It was a riot.
In the meantime …
a sneak preview of warm-up in the mounting yard.
Whoa back big boy!
This kid is another very distant rellie, and clearly knows a thing or two about riding.
He should, his parents are amazing horse people.
We were all very impressed with his technique.
I am not sure if this is how he usually leads his ponies home, however?
A stewards enquiry is underway as we speak…


  • Debby

    I'm trying to imagine myself done up in feathers. I'm pretty sure that I could not carry off a 'fascinator' either.

    One thing I do have to say: Those shoes? That snap of those shoes? The way that her feet are captured, so daintily posed? I think that shoes like that are made for people who walk like that. I'm fairly sure that I plod along like a farmer. Those shoes would not do a thing for me. I think, some day, though, I'm going to give it a try, just to find out.

    Glad your little relative was able to get that wild pony under control. He's quite a horseman.

    And how did your pictures do?

  • Bush Babe

    Debby – some interest, but mostly in calendars. I can safely say that I will NEVER be able to wear heels like that!!

    Lee – alrighty then, the weather post is UP!! 🙂

    CJS – oh, it was! Great fun…

    Katy – don't think there were pics of me… the benefit of wielding the camera! You haven't missed anything. 🙂

  • Kelly

    Okay…Jack won me over. What a cutie!!

    The precious little lady? If she's the daughter of your first cousin, that would make her your first cousin once removed. Second cousins (to each other) are the kids of first cousins. There. Plain as mud??

    Loved the commentary on the little fella with his "pony".

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