Best Band-Aid of All
I was a little rough on everyone last post.
I am very sorry.
But … it kind of had to be done, had to be written.
I needed to clear the air, and I simply couldn’t ignore various readers’ pleas for an update, or Tuffy’s right for his short little story to be told. He’s got a special place in my heart.
Are you OK?
Can I do something to make it better?
You know I think I might already have a little something
tucked away here that might help….
Not MY baby of course –
Violet gets violent if I refer to her as my ‘baby’ any more –
a borrowed baby.
YOU know who I’m talking about:
My gorgeous niece Salina’s scrumptious little sister…
(No photos. V is shy. But his father’s love for this newcomer is so great it almost busts the walls from his home!)
But wait… there’s more.
My brother, his wife and their three children will bring THEIR new baby home this weekend.
And oh, he is a CORKER.
Texted snaps and emailed images already have me clucking.
I cannot WAIT to hold him and inspect him and adore him.
Just as this one was held, and inspected and adored.

Isn’t it amazing how babies can steal your heart by doing nothing?

Isn’t it amazing how babies can steal your heart by doing nothing?
And how love and arms can extend so easily to encompass one more?
Some of the sweetest mysteries of the world…
Hope that salves the sting of Tuffy’s tale…