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Tit for Tat (the no shade hat)

This one is for Ree – I like to pretend PW pops over here every so often to see what her Aussie stalker is up to now.  I may be deluded, but hey, you say ‘deluded’, I say ‘optimistic’.

Today Ree shared some photos of her Marlboro Man (her hot cowboy hubby) which showed his eyes shadowed by hat shade.  I commented that I have the same problems with hat shadow – but that I have a technique to deal with it.   It’s called FULL SHADOW.

That’s right. Sun behind the person and metering for the light on the face allows you to see eyes.  I have only taken 22 gazillion photos to learn this fact.  And for the record, I still take plenty of hat shadow photos – cause you cannot always choose your time of day, or your sun-subject angles.

Anyway – here is Mr Incredible competing in a local campdraft on the weekend – he is riding the fabulous Jill (mother of this little guy and owner of these calendar-worthy eyes) and won his first placing in a draft (he has only been competing for a couple of years, so he is stoked!).

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See how the sun is BEHIND him in this shot – light is falling on his back and lighting up around the edges of his hat? I use my trusty little zoom lense at full throttle (right out at 200mm) and with the sun hood on to stop any glare (sun shining directly into the lense).

Same for this one, as he lined up for presentations to get a yellow ribbon for fourth place in the Novice Draft.

So that’s it.  My public service for the day: Sun behind hats.

Keep it in mind – its totally worth it.


So you don’t miss eyes like this.


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