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Race? What race?

I am afraid the run of very ordinary photos continues today, as I download a few more shots from our flying visit to BrisVegas this week. They are taken from my Samsung android phone (which is quite fun except I have no real idea how to use it) as I was gently encouraged by my husband to leave the ‘real camera’ at the hotel. (He really does get quite sick of me with a Nikon plastered to my face – can’t think why, as his view must improve dramatically when it’s in place.)

After doing my ‘official’ stuff it was time to have a little fun, as we joined some other bushies and some media types for a flash Melbourne Cup shindig at the Marriot Hotel. (I know… anyone who has met me will understand that dressing for Spring Fashion is not exactly my speciality.  I did my best to ‘frock up’ – where frock up equals not actually a FROCK as such, more a cute black pantsuit with a colourful top and an orange feather ‘fascinator’ popped over  a side-ponytail.  Hey, I tried.)

Boys went to one room for beers and entertainment and serious racing talk, while the girls were herded upstairs for some ‘feminine fun’… I was dubious at the gender segregation but ended up having a good time with some great ladies…

Check out the decor on our table…
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Holy MOTHER of a chandelier centrepiece…

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And of course, the bit that is WAY more up my alley… FOOD!

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Hello little morsel – this was a stuffed mushroom on pastry.  A bite of delight!

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Prawns on a skewer… cool!

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Fancy schmancy STEAK (kudos to the chef for the beef choice here!)…

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And some DEVILISH chocolate thing with frozen cream that looked suspiciously like an upside-down drumstick.

(Sadly I wasn’t game to devour this so soon after losing my gall.  Apparently it was amazing…)

Yeah, we DID watch a horserace somewhere in here – some Yankee horse won the Melbourne Cup apparently. (*ducks a cloud of virtual fruit flying from across the Pacific*)  All I know is that my two horses, drawn in a sweep at the lunch, are still coming down the straight.

While I cannot really show you all my luncheon partners with whom I shared this culinary experience (I didn’t get proper permission from them) I flicked the phone camera  into a mode called ‘Cartoon’ and it kind of disguised them in a fun way…

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This sweet lady won a pearl necklace worth about $2000… she just sat there quietly after the raffle winner was announced and said: ‘You know, I think that might be me.’ The same way you’d say, Excuse me I need to powder my nose.  We all sat with our mouths open as she shyly walked up to accept it.

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This is my friend A who is wonderful – a ball of fun wherever we go!

And she returned the favour by shooting me…

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I dunno – it could be the new avatar… what do you think?




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