Let the voting begin…
So I am about to get cracking on image selection for the 2012 Bush Babe Bush Calendar… and maybe a rename while we are at it.
After all, how many times can you say ‘Bush’ in a title before it wears thin?
(For newbies, here is the 2011 calendar FYI.)
But firstly, I need some ideas from you guys.
And the best way I know to generate easy-to-respond-to choices is the POLL.
So I have set one up in the sidebar for the next couple of weeks – and also below (just to show how VERY blog-savvy I am these days).
What do YOU want to see in the 2012 BB calendar?
Is it Bulls and blood,
or the dust and mud?
(So sorry Garth, but it’s a great line!)
If you are feeling generous with your time and energy, I’d love you to choose YOUR favourite image or two (or 12) then feel free to peruse the blog and Flickr sites and note the title or link in your comment below. I will do the same thing as last year, where I get the images into categories and let y’all vote your little hearts out.
But first… CATEGORIES…
What do you want to see in the 2012 BB Bush Calendar?
- General wildlife (17%, 45 Votes)
- Horses (16%, 43 Votes)
- Cows (15%, 39 Votes)
- Leave the American stuff for another project (14%, 38 Votes)
- Kangaroos (13%, 33 Votes)
- Flood scenes (12%, 32 Votes)
- Emus (11%, 28 Votes)
- American stuff (2%, 5 Votes)
Total Voters: 68

Thank you so much.
Everything but the American stuff! (And I’m American!)
Mary Paddock
What Lynn said.
I agree with Lynn and Mary.
Is it kosher for me to use both my computer and phone so I can vote twice?!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Ponderings #8
Since I already see America, I like the flood scenes and wildlife and cows and bulls and emus and kangaroos. Too bad there are only 12 pictures for the calendar.
Pencil Writer
Oh, how I LOVE the little duck on the water at sunset/sunrise! Oh, oh, oh! I simply adore that one.
But you make the rest hard, BB, cause, you take so many dang good pictures! *sigh* I can’t decide on the others. 🙁
Lynda M O
I’m from there too and we get Way Too Much of our own nationalistic horn-tooting calendars-dislike them all… I know I am cranky-blame it on an emboli. Anyway the cows, flood, emus, roos, horses—it’s all good for me. This year I must buy one, BB.
Bush Babe
LOL – would love to send one your way Lynda. Get those voting fingers ready for the upcoming culling process from my 70 gazillion pics… don’t forget to suggest some that you think are worth including!!
Horses eyelashes make my heart melt.
Leenie´s last blog post ..DRAGGING MAIN IN A T-BIRD
I don’t think the American stuff will work with the Aussie photos. Pity, because some of the American photos are brilliant.
Andrew´s last blog post ..Getting a good old rough Montmerency ride
I love love love them all but the photo of your daughter has to be my favourite. The American shots were incredible as we followed you adventure but I love your Aussie shots.
Good luck picking too bad there are only 12 months in a year. You have way to many perfect ones. B
Buttons´s last blog post ..Life! (Photo Friday)
Theresa in Alberta
in 2 hours u can watch PW’s show via this link….
can us none oz folks order the calendar?
Colin (HB)
Just the Australian scenes – cattle, horses, wild life etc., your calendar is Australian, so forget the amazing shots of your “Yankie” trip.
Fleur McDonald
I love all of your photos – wish I was as good!
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..Guest Blog: Cathryn Hein
Audrey (in Canada)
I’ve voted! Thanks for the opportunity. I’ll echo other commentors. While all of your photography is stunning, I come to your site (and buy your calendar) *because* it is Aussie! I can see the (North) American stuff every day by just looking out the window on my own farm. I love your photos of animals and landscapes from your corner of our globe! 🙂
My vote is just a blanket yes – love that you are doing another one.
jeanie´s last blog post ..My me day (in list form)
Yep, I’ve voted too, BB, and can’t wait to see your final selections for the ‘culling’, lol.
Scotty´s last blog post ..Day Two
Ditto to what Lynn said 🙂 Perhaps make some birthday card packs up too, blank inside… and then we can buy them to send to friends or send abroad? Packs of 5 or 10?