Away with the Birds
I need to distract myself from the goings-on in the makeshift bovine hospital set up near our house. So I decided to forge ahead on calendar decisions despite the drama. Would love it if you could help me out…
One of the weird things I noticed about the calendar possibles shots this year was the amount of BIRDS or at least FLYING things which feature. I don’t recall actually focussing on feathers in particular, but it seems I have subconsciously been zooming in on winged critters. And while I don’t mind there being a bit of a birdy bent in the 2012 edition of the Bush Babe calendar, I do think I need to rule at least a couple of the following shots out.
Can I ask you to bear in mind (as you vote) that I will be placing little sayings/proverbs with each month’s image, like I did last year. See here for an examples. If you feel a shot particularly lends itself to a funny, quirky or heartfelt quote, make sure it gets a vote!
Okay, you ready to assess and vote? Alrighty then…
Country Road Emus
Love that only the lead emu is looking to the right and all the left are gazing left. They also seem to almost all be in step- weird.
Duck a L’Orange
While ducks are not necessarily Australian, this is one of the most serene photos I have ever taken. Those colours are real. Has to be good for World Peace, no?
Bottoms Up Bee
Man, I adore this shot. You probably need to see it enlarged to really ‘get it’ – heavily pollened legs wave about as this greedy little bee throws his dignity to the wind to get the best bits at the bottom of this scotch thistle. Reminds me of me, when the coffee pods are getting low in the pantry.
Egret in the Afternoon
A favourite as soon as I posted it, this shot was of an intermediate egret (yes I wikipedia’ed it!) hunting in the shallows of our newly full river. Those are partly submerged blue gum trees behind the bird – pretty much my favourite Aussie tree of all-time.
Wagtail 1
Wagtail 2
Both these shots of a Willy Wagtail hunting for insects (as I waited for musterers to arrive at the yards) were taken back here. I love the bokeh in both and the illusion of stillness – if there is one thing Willy Wagtails ain’t, it’s still!
Cockatoo Leaving
This is one of those shots that I never blogged. (Happens often – I take a heap of shots, quickly download and scan them to select a few to blog about, run them through Photoshop and upload. Then I answer a two-way, feed someone or put the next load of washing on. Often I never look at the shots again. Then when I do, I find one like this that has snuck by me…) This photo was taken on a misty morning a couple of months ago. There were a flock of cockatoos perched on this old gate at the bottom of our house paddock – as I edged closer to get a better look, this last brave bird lost his nerve and took off.
Family Huddle
A shot taken during the floods, of a family of Happy Families/Happy Jacks keeping warm together… I don’t know. it’s not colourful but it just bursts with a ‘togetherness’ vibe, don’t you think?
Poll below – please choose your four favourites. And feel free to leave a little explanation (discussion/complaint) in comments. And if you have a quote on hand that fits your choices, please share that too!
Which birds shots do you fancy?
- Country Road Emus (20%, 19 Votes)
- Egret in the Afternoon (19%, 18 Votes)
- Bottoms Up Bee (17%, 16 Votes)
- Family Huddle (14%, 13 Votes)
- Cockatoo Leaving (11%, 10 Votes)
- Duck A L'Orange (9%, 9 Votes)
- Wagtails 2 (8%, 8 Votes)
- Wagtails 1 (2%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 32

I tend to lean towards photos of things I’m not going to see anywhere near me. Bees, ducks, egrets…I see them all the time (though I certainly can’t capture them in such spectacular glory as your photos- other than in my mind maybe).
Thus is the logic behind my picks.
Kelly´s last blog post ..A winner and a quiz
all gorgeous shots as usual 🙂
Tamsyn´s last blog post ..Lumbar Punctures Can Bite Me
I like the family huddle, and I like that willy wagtail. He looks like he’s wearing a little tuxedo. The bee is a good one. It is going to be my theme picture. My name means ‘little bee’ in Hebrew. I like that little fellow diving head first into the prickly stuff and finding sweetness.
debby´s last blog post ..…and the good news is:
All great shots, BB – my votes are in.
Scotty´s last blog post ..Well Said, Mate
I love the gates with the cockatoo.
Fleur McDonald
I love the cockatoos, but sometimes it’s hard to choose a favourite!
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..Dads and Daughters
I like the huggy family, they are very cute.
Colin (HB)
I vote
1. Emus
2. White Egret
3. The Willy Wagtail ( a species no longer seen in Brisbane – courtesy of those mongrel Indian Myrnas!)
All of the shots are so lovely, but some of them, I might likely see in the area where I live in Canada. Hence my vote for country road emus. We just don’t see those trotting down the road around here! 🙂
Voted! Great selection to choose from as usual, but Egret in the Afternoon is my fav!