The Final Poll
Okay, it’s crunch time here at Granite Glen for the annual Bush Blog Calendar.
I am about to send off the final files for setting and (hopefully) printing the 2012 edition of my twelve-month publication. I have been frantically making decisions behind the scenes – amid our other action here, I have the quotes all sorted and have narrowed the images down to 15. (Actually 14, I cannot count apparently!)
I am a bit too close to every single one of the calendar images and incapable of weeding them down any further…
So basically, I have to get you guys to choose which two images get the cut from the 2012 Bush calendar.
You knew there would be one more thing demanded required, didn’t you?
So here is the choice (in their final format with quotes) of five images – choose the TWO you’d most like to see included.
The three most popular will make it in, so make sure you vote for your favourite:
Final Calendar Choices!
- Dane Sunset (32%, 23 Votes)
- Happy Families (20%, 14 Votes)
- Emu Gaggle (18%, 13 Votes)
- Cockatoo Leaving (15%, 11 Votes)
- Wattle Bloom (14%, 10 Votes)
Total Voters: 37

Thanks for your help guys… can’t tell you how much I appreciate your input here. I will be running a little contest shortly to reward my amazing readers with some goodies. Stay tuned!
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The images for the 2012 Bush Calendar are in slideshow form here, in the SHOP section of BB of Oz. (Including the extras until you vote them down to 12 for me!)
The cost of the calendar will be $22 and 5 for $100 (so pleased I could keep it the same as last year) with 10% of profits to HeartKids Australia. (If you don’t already know, the stories behind why this is my charity of choice are here).
Postage costs are extra and I will post them up as soon as I have worked them out (my brain is hurting just contemplating it!).
I will be taking pre-orders for the calendars from today via email, and hope to have a page up for easy-ordering via PayPal (best for all overseas orders especially) shortly.
I hope to have orders in the mail before the end of November.
I haven’t got your email addy at the moment, BB, but put me down for a calendar, please.
Scotty´s last blog post ..Unlike
So glad to see Axle Asa choice! My second choice was btw the emus and the cockatoo, but chose the latter since we’ve had emus before.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Butter Braid Pastries
Woohoo, I’ll do the usual and plop the moolah into your bank as soon as you work out the postage 😉
Jayne´s last blog post ..The Tarnagulla History Walk part 1
BB of Oz
PS THere will be a discount for bulk orders (5 or more) if you are planning some Christmas shopping.
PPS Am considering getting the pics that don’t make the cut, printed up as cards…
Ooh. This was hard. REEEEEEEALLY hard.
Looking at the results though…it looks like my favorite is going to get it. I love the cockatoo leaving.
debby´s last blog post ..Keys
Fleur McDonald
I can’t remember if I’ve voted or not but the cockatoo gets my vote!
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..The Sunny Cowgirls & the Esperance show
I love the cockatoo behind its so fluffy! lol, I like how the just fly around wild there. The emus too are nice to see as well. The closest bird have around here are the wild turkeys. Do they have open season for emus there like we have wild turkey season? I bet an emu would make one BIG thnaksgiving bird! Do the tatse like ostrich?
Hmm wouldn’t let me edit? So here it is again.
I love the cockatoo behind its so fluffy! lol, I like how the just fly around wild there. The emus too are nice to see as well. The closest bird we have around here are the wild turkeys. Do they have open season for emus there like we have wild turkey season? I bet an emu would make one BIG thanksgiving bird! Do the tatse like ostrich or chicken? 🙂