Reflecting on a Sunday
Now I don’t want you guys to think we do no work around here – what with all the lazy photos of sunsets and dingy-paddling that I’ve been sharing here lately.
I promise you we do work – yesterday Mr Incredible and I travelled a couple of hours to help a friend preg-test his cows (before I skipped off to the dentist) and today my husband and father are mustering and weighing bulls while I am doing bookwork and tax stuff. And washing and vaccuuming. You may have noticed that I rarely take photos of housework – I guess it’s not something I like to focus on that much… *snort*
Nonetheless, I am going to share a few snaps taken on Sunday. When the kids were ‘fishing’ from the Big Bridge.
This bridge (also seen here in the 2011 floods) is very photogenic and a little bit freaky. We have neighbours who REFUSE to drive over it, for fear of veering over the edge. I just say “drive straight then!”. Hah.
Now you should note that I use the term fishing lightly – as in ‘using fishing rods’ and not as in ‘catching fish’. I supervised the second half of the adventure (while Mr I did a Sunday job) and I didn’t see ONE nibble. I think I am a bad luck charm in the fishing world.
Dash is a little conflicted in the fishing department. He adores fish. He loves fishing. He’s all Steve Irwin: isn’t he a BEAUTY, let’s SAVE him! But he’s also all BOY and slightly destructive.
This freshwater prawn (and his mates) were caught in the yabby traps last week – they spent an interesting few days in the fish tank in Dash’s bedroom (where they terrorised the poor goldfish with their long creepy arms) before becoming bait for fishing.
Well, most of them did. This one was set free…
Dash moves in mysterious ways…
Violet however, is pretty straightforward. She likes to annoy her brother, ride horses and gaze at things. Mostly in that order.
I cannot think where she gets the ‘gazing at things from’. (I never annoy anyone… not that you are going to hear about here anyway! Lucky for me, my husband doesn’t blog. Or read blogs… *waits*)
How cool is this sweeping reflection of gum trunks?
Or this half-real, half-reflection avenue?
Or these upside-down tree shimmers?
Tree Trunk Textures.
Is there anything better than a crumbly tree and a chance at some alliteration? Not in my world!
Speaking of fishing (we were, weren’t we?)… I am going to start selecting for the 2013 BB Calendar soon. (If you are new, here are the previous two editions: 2011 and 2012). And I am fishing for your suggestions… if you have a favourite you’d like thrown into the selection pool, please suggest below in comments (preferably with link to post or Flickr image page). You can help me reel in the most popular picks of the pics soon.
*end of Predictable Pun Paragraph*
Fleur McDonald
GOrgeous as usual.
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..Guest Blog: Sue Woolfe author of The Oldest Song in the World
Bush Babe
PS Don’t forget my calendars help raise funds for HeartKids. The reason explained here:
As much as you may doubt it, I think photos of your laundry and vacuuming would be excellent blog fodder. It’s always fun to see what is the same and what is different about our lives.
Love the color and texture of the gum trees. I just finished “In a Sunburned Land” by Bill Bryson. I’m putting Australia on the top of my wish list of places to visit. The trees alone would be worth the trip. Bryson said a lot of good things about the people there too.
Leenie´s last blog post ..WHAT HAPPENS IN THE JUNGLE…
Washing and vacuuming … snort indeed!
I specialise in housework avoidance.
Fiona´s last blog post ..Safety First
Picture 7 would be a dandy calendar pick.
I think housework would be a fine topic. Let’s have a Housework Blog Day, where we all blog housework type things.
Well, I’m off to chop peppers for the freezer. Have a good day!
debby´s last blog post ..Update.