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A day in town…

A quick post tonight as I contemplate bed.

I am soooo weary.

Not from doing anything really.

Not physically anyway.
dash_0346 e

Dash gave me a little fright today – if you know his history you will understand why.

He had chest pains you see.  Which happens sometimes (but usually resolve themselves pretty quickly). This morning it did not go away so fast. So I did what any Heart Mum would do, and freaked internally whilst trying to maintain the ‘treat him like any kid’ demeanour we have attempted ever since his final surgery over nine years ago.

We ended up at our local hospital who were thorough but (thankfully) not knee-jerk in their handling (some practitioners would have had us on the first plane out to a big centre).  He was monitored all day and had two lots of bloods taken. (He did NOT appreciate the latter let me tell you – it took them six goes to get the two lots because he apparently has recalcitrant veins!).


He is back home and back to a normal colour tonight, and I have been reassured his heart is still working nicely (with a pattern unique to him, but happily the same as the one he has always enjoyed!).

And despite doing little all day except for waiting around a hospital, I am knackered tonight.  My heart was playing up a little this morning, I can tell you. I had forgotten what that is like.

My husband – who was told to keep working on the fence he was constructing until I sent him word otherwise – rode the emotional rollercoaster from afar.  It’s tricky communicating in this kind of situation out here.

I had to send a neighbour to drive the 25 kilometres to tell Dad so he could alert Mr Incredible of our unscheduled trip to town, then later ring my brother to try to two-way radio my husband to pass on the message that Dash would not be flown out.  He couldn’t raise him.  Finally Mr Incredible drove with my father’s phone til he could get mobile reception (in a couple of ‘magic’ spots on the northern end of our property) to check on us.  Not exactly a seamless flow of information!

As always, I count my blessings.  I am home tonight and not sleeping beside a hospital bed many hours away.  Our son is deep in peaceful slumber after his adventure.  Our daughter (who was distraught at her brother’s pain and imagining awful things all day) is sleeping sound too. I plan on falling into a coma of the enormously relieved very shortly.

Tomorrow we hope to have a nice boring day…

Wish us luck.





  • Nancy in Iowa

    I cannot imagine going through a day like that! Just from my few hospital waiting episodes I know how exhausting it is, and when it’s your child it’s hurtful as well. I see I was lucky with Diane – only a couple of hospital visits and nothing as scary. Give Dash a hug for me!

  • Kate

    I am so happy to see that everything has quieted down, but you did indeed have one heck of a day. And the emotional toil is what tuckered you plain out. Rest easy, my friend.
    Kate´s last blog post ..Miscellany

  • JulieinOz

    Everyone here has said it all for me BB…
    Heres hoping you and Dash wont ever have to go through that kind of a fright again.
    I was actually doing OK about it all ’til I read what Bill wrote…then I got a bit teary.
    Heres for a better more relaxing weekend for everyone up there…

  • Anne

    I cannot imagine what ran through your head with this little hiccup. I must admit I didn’t know Dash’s story so I went back and read. What a heart wrenching time. It is hard to imagine what you and your family have gone through but reading make me realize what my mum went through with me. Yep I’m one of those 1 in 100. I am also the 1 in 1000 that has the defect I do most of which are boys. Even after surgery when they removed part of my aorta and put it back together it was predicted that I would be a poor eater and lathargic. Sorry to disappoint but I love my food and can’t sit still. I gave myself and everyone a scare a few years ago by having different blood pressures in every 1/4 of my body when I went to my 2 yearly checkup and scan. Luckily it was decided that I was just a bit individual but all was okay. I like to think that I can do anything and be anything despite having a heart condition it doesn’t define who I am and I hope that Dash grows up with that view to. I know that when I am around 40 I am up for major surgery but I try not to think on that and live life doing what I want to do. So sharing my story is really only to send this message to Dash … ‘go for it, tackle life, live life, be anything, do anything and enjoy it. I hope there are no more scares and that as you said life is a little uneventful for a while. Also hoping your hearts have gotten back down to a good rhythm.
    Anne´s last blog post ..Weaner Time

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