Featherless find
During our drive yesterday, checking on the progress of fires in our southern paddocks, something caught my eye…
Beneath a post cover (a piece of broken fibreglass tank that had been recycled, with one nail not QUITE doing it’s job allowing it to swing around over the wire) was a teeny tiny nest.
An enterprising willy-wagtail had built it’s cobweb-and-grass nest in the perfect position, shaded from sun and airbourne predators, but handy to the insects on which it feeds it’s offspring.
Of course, everyone piled out of the car to get a closer look…
Is there anything as helpless and vulnerable and NOT REALLY VERY PRETTY as a baby bird?
These guys must’ve only hatched in the last couple of days…
There were no eyes open yet, and just a HINT of downy feathers beginning to emerge from wrinkled grey bodies.
What was that schoolday definition of cute? Ugly but interesting?
Never mind little chicks, you will grow to be the gorgeous darting ballet dancers of the bird world.
And who knows?
You may even feature in a calendar one day!
Helen G.
What a great spotter you are to see that little nest. Those little fuzzy babies aren’t probably more than a couple of days old. I love those unexpected surprises when I find them and I think it was great that you had the kids with you to see it. They will have some bragging rights about this discovery!
Helen G.´s last blog post ..Still Kickin’ – Two
Definitely cute.
jeanie´s last blog post ..Everyone is a critic
Penny Hannah
What an absolutely perfect little nest.
Absolute awesomeness!!!!
Nothing else to say but….AWESOME!
Thea´s last blog post ..Photo a Day Challenge – November
Colin (HB)
That is amazing! Where were the parent birds? Willy-Wagtails are very nest protective. Or where you all weaving madly avoiding the dive-bombing?
Incredible indeed.
Bush Babe
The Mama bird was nearby, watching nervously from a tree. She let us know she was there and we were gone within 2 minutes.