Here comes the rain (again!)
It’s raining. Again. Who’d have thought? Seriously, in two months we have almost achieved our average annual rainfall.
It began properly yesterday and settled in overnight. We’ve had 110mm (less than five inches) but EVERY DROP is running off down gullies and creeks and into our big ol’ river.
Like to come for a drive to check it out?
From the last flood – exactly a month ago – the grass is already a violent verde…
This is the ‘small bridge’ on our place. And that posture by Cal (our jackaroo)? That says ‘OMG that’s two weeks of flood fencing down the creek!’.
We didn’t cross this bridge to check out the Big Bridge.
I’m not brave like that…
This is Dead Horse Gully. Such a romantic name for a waterway, no?
I don’t know what this gully is actually called – I call it Max’s Gully in honour of the 96-year-old gentleman that owns the property it runs through.
The waterway is eroded, but really rather pretty…
Don’t you think?
This is the creek we had to get towed across two years ago, during our first big flood. It’s not as high here but certainly too big and fast for the school bus to chance it this morning.
Dash and Violet were not crushed to stay at home. Funny that.
They both went nuts taking pics of the liquid action. Cannot think where they get that from.
Some of the strangest action was happening right beside our house, when we returned home however…
Moving ever-so-slowly down the river was a massive ‘island’ of debris.
Made up of logs and sticks and goodness-knows-what else, washed down overnight from up-river.
It stretched easily 100 metres across and around 300 metres in length
I reckon the waterways upstream must be clean as a whistle by now. (And if you are downstream, I am sorry to be the bearer of dirty news!)
It was so solid that birds were literally walking across it picking off insects and other prey, as it drifted down river.
Since these pics were taken, about four hours ago, the river has risen another metre or so.
But we are counting our blessings – we are stuck here this time (instead of away) and my pantry is like an aisle at IGA.
And with tanks overflowing, long showers are on the ‘allowed’ list once more.
Stay safe everyone!
PS How are you all finding the revamped blog look? Easier to read?
Colin (HB)
Well you have got the bloody stuff now also. Still p***ing down here, stop and start type.
Now I wonder what “idiots” up in your neck of the woods will take on a creek/river causeway in flash flood mode??? Then again REAL country people have more sense.
Did you read what the police had to say to the two idiots who tried the mattress swimming stunt in Northern NSW??? Utter lunatics and the government is deciding on increasing the penalties??? Deciding??
Why??? The civil libertarians say these people have their rights?????? Too bad if emergency personnel and the
police or the good Samaritan gets killed trying to rescue them. I hardly think an honour by the government with some medal
for a lost husband, father or brother is the reward. And I am not forgetting the ladies who also risk their lives.
What sayest thou?
Here in the street before the rail station, there are trees – the ever dropping leaves variety. I am sure the only street
in Brisbane with them – the Council employees want them chopped down and replaced, the leaves clutter the street
gutters, so going to work is a case of taking off shoes, rolling up pants to wade through the water. Presently these
bloody stupid trees have all drooped, so it is a case of wading through a tropical rain forest.
The “Green brigade” in the BCC will not listen.
Thank God I have retired and no longer have to wade – barefooted in this damn street, with shoes and socks in
a bag. I watch the workers go every morning – shoeless, and with either stockings or socks in a bag, plus the towel.
Ah – well at least we can’t blame governments for the weather, but we can blame them for heaps of other things
related to all this. ACTION is needed. Now off my “high horse”.
Cheers and good photos of the situation – well done.
Mrs Catch
The Brissie River is also rising like crazy. Saw the ferry this morning, motoring VERY gingerly around debris floating downstream. Stay safe BB. Hope you don’t lose any stock or too many fences!
PS. Love the water motion in some of your shots. That longer shutter speed makes the water look so romantic as it sweeps all Cal’s flood fences away…
Mrs Catch´s last blog post ..Sock Wars
Pretty wet over here, but the word on the internet is it isn’t going to flood, it isn’t going to flood, la la la la la it isn’t going to flood.
Oh, and homage to Eurythmics noted.
Oh, and second edit saying nice layout.
jeanie´s last blog post ..At the end of the day (Wordless Wednesday)
Wow that water way is pretty all those mini waterfalls. I hope the rain and flooding doesn’t do too much damage (I am shuddering at the fencing to). Enjoy the rain and those extra long showers 🙂
Anne´s last blog post ..Walkers Wanted
The look of the blog is very clean and I was quite happy until the the posts started scrolling across the top and I had to wait for this one to come back.
Andrew´s last blog post ..I am a repairman
Carol Alex
Wow BB, as if you all haven’t had enough of this kind of weather. Your pics are fantastic so I’ll bet you are loving the new zoom. As we speak, we are having some terrible weather of our own here in the states, Michigan to be exact. Wind, freezing rain that is just beginning to turn to snow, and we are glad for that change since frozen power lines are not a good thing.We don’t know how deep it will get yet but at least we can put the snow blower to it, maybe.
I love the changes, very easy to read, and your header is great too! Thank you for taking the time to tell us your story of life in the Bush. We have always wanted to visit your neck of the woods. If I could just put my butt on a plane for that long, LOL!