Up the creek (with a camera)
A slideshow for you today… some of the many images shot during a drive around the paddocks this morning.
They run from roos in a nearby paddock to the Big Bridge, the Little Bridge, Bumby Gully and it’s pretty stream, some top country waters, and back to the river at a usually-picturesque area where we picnic and launch boats from.
It’s worth comparing some of the bridge photos to yesterday – water is slowly receding but so much run-off still coming from high in the hills, it’ll be a while before it stops completely.
The rain has almost cleared completely now and I suspect/hope school should be on tomorrow – Dash and Violet had a ball playing in the streams and clearing the bridge drain holes, but are being very ‘helpful’ and ‘busy’ while I try and pay bills (and blog!) here.
Enjoy the pics – let me know your favourite in comments please!
Colin (HB)
You set a bloody hard task.
1. The lushness and height of the grass.
2. The mess at the bridge.
3. The muck on one pair of boots – MUD!
4. A certain man examining a foreign object – like what in God’s hell is this?
5. Finally – who gets the vehicle cleaning job?
All great photos. I like the one of your kids at the water fall.
Andrew´s last blog post ..Metro Apologises
Like Colin, I was also curious what Mark had found. I think that my very favorite pictures were of the little waterfall. The water looked so solid and so plastic at that same time. The bokeh shots of the gum trees with the kids and the waterfall in the blurred background. I kept thinking “Oh, how beautiful,” and then wanted to slap myself in the head when I remembered that you were enduring your second flood in a month.
Debby´s last blog post ..The Woman at the Gym
Bush Babe
Oh no Debby = it IS very pretty. That’s always the weird thing… so many benefits for us (who are used to long dry times where we yearn for rain). Will focus on the problems in a few days when water recedes…
Carol Alex
Good morning (here anyway),
I love them all so it’s hard to choose but I would say the kids at the waterfall. I also liked the pics (long shots)of walking along the path beside the water, red dirt and green vegetation very striking. Felt like I was walking there myself. Toward the end I thought I saw Canadian geese floating away. Do they summer down under?
Fleur McDonald
Hmm. I’d love to say ‘you lucky thing to have all that rain’ but I know it would be inappropriate. And, if it were me with all that water, I’d be torn between being in ecstasy and horrified.
I love the photo of the kids in the water fall and I LOVE the one of the cattle grazing on the green flats. Just don’t show our girls who are only munching on dry hay, every second day!
Stay safe, dear friend. I hope there isn’t too much damage and cleaning up to do. x
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..Guest Blog: Kathryn Ledson
Hippomanic Jen
Love the roos in the long green grass. A bit “I don’t blend so well in this green stuff”!
Junalin @ Doula Training
I love the kids playing in the water. They seemed to be really having fun there.
Nice photos anyway.
Junalin @ Doula Training´s last blog post ..Finding the right Obestetrician for you!