Animals of choice
We are coming up the home straight with the Great Calendar Challenge – I know it’s been a little confronting. Seriously Big Decisions. With a really big D. (Election? What election?) You may not believe it, but I really have been trying to make it easier for you- after all, I DID trawl through the seventy gazillion photos taken in the last twelve months to narrow it down to… well, just one gazillion. (And no, maths never was my strong suit!)
I do promise to put the clear favourites into the 2011 calendar (some of those previous polls are pretty darned close though!) although it will be tricky for me to leave out a couple of personal faves which are lagging behind on the vote system. But this calendar is about what you guys want, so I will stiffen my resolve and get through it!
This post is about horses and cows… the animals we depend on out here in the bush. Please note there will be one (possibly final) poll on horses in action. One really cannot have too many horses in a calendar, methinks.
So – Farm Animals. Check them out and register your choices in the poll at the bottom of the post…

This was shot taken at a friend’s place after I had taken some family photos for her. I was driving away from her house and this sight caught my eye… This dam is right beside the road and the sun had disappeared over the horizon behind me. Sometimes silhouettes just edit out the extraneous detail. Sweet and simple.
These cattle had come down to the edge of a running creek during the wet season, as we drove home from the coast. This is not on our place – but in higher country where streams run more regularly (what a lovely thing to live near, said she yearningly). I love the vivid colours of the cows in this one. And the cool ripples of water reflecting the bottlebrush trees.
The opposite of vivid. Crispy dry grass and a black Brangus cow – she’s almost comical as she stop mid-chew to check out the crazy lady with the camera. Love those Aussie summer flies… keeping it real! Hasn’t she got the sweetest face?
Winchester exploring the green lawn near the house – not sure why I like this one… perhaps the green and the road and the veins on his muzzle? Very similar composition to the horse drinking silhouette.
How I adore this photo… I have no doubt I will find SOME way to get it onto the calendar. Three young red bulls drinking at the trough when I was handling them last year. Love, love, love the droplets suspended under two noses. And the fact it looks like a good old gossip session around the water cooler.
So that’s it. Only FIVE this time. I shall set the poll parameters to TWO choices again. Does that help?
Which farm animal photo should be in the 2011 BB Calendar?
- Horse Drink (37%, 37 Votes)
- Cow Drink (29%, 29 Votes)
- Bull Gossip (24%, 24 Votes)
- Cow Chew (8%, 8 Votes)
- Winny Graze (2%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 59

Don’t forget to leave a comment on your choice, to get another entry for your BB 8 x 12″ print. Previous poll posts are here , here , here and here. And check HERE to get an easy overview of the poll tallies so far. Did I say Thanks yet? Well, I’m sayin’ it again, folks. You guys rock.
Tabby Cat
I love this photo! I can just hear the bulls whispering to each other 🙂 It’s just so sweet and evocative of friendship and it took amazing technique to take it!
You are making it increasingly difficult Bushbabe, I thought this group was particularly hard….I just adore cow drink, the colours are stunning – I also love Winchester and Cow Chew but today Bull Gossip and Horse Drink have won me over…..Please make the next group easier…..take some really lousy pics and throw in,,,,
like the first two the best. the last one makes me chuckle with the image of the gossiping around the water cooler in my head.
TLee´s last blog post ..Two For Tuesday 1
These are such great photos, makes it difficult to chose!
I picked Horse Drink and Bull Gossip, I love them!
Horse Drink and Bull Gossip are tied. Horse drink for the beautiful lines and the cool colors and Bull Gossip for the sheer uniqueness.
mary´s last blog post ..Bennett Springs
Hippomanic Jen
Thanks so much for limiting the field of options. A little easier today. A did like cow drink too, but not for a calendar.
The cow drink is spectacular – love it
Gem´s last blog post ..Babies
Mimi - SleeplessInKL
Horse drink looks so serene. Simple but full of impact, just the way I like ’em.
Mimi – SleeplessInKL´s last blog post ..What To Do When Your Flight Is Overbooked- Cancelled- Or Delayed
Nancy in Iowa
Another sleepless one here – it’s 4:12am for me!!! Can’t sleep, but maybe the lovely serenity, cool colors and ripples of Horse Drink will help. And definitely Bull Gossip – I love those mouths/muzzles!!!
OK, going to try to sleep again with the horse and bulls in my head.
Tara Booth
The cow’s drinking, because of the colours! And the bull’s gossiping; because it’s such an unusual composition!
Tara Booth´s last blog post ..No Computer Crashes 39-365
I loved the cow drink. And that bull gossip. I think it should be renamed. How about Bull Session? And it made me laugh.
debby´s last blog post ..Grinning
HOW ON EARTH CAN WE….oh man, by FAR the most DIFFICULT choice yet. I picked my favourite but only voted for one as I couldn’t possibly pick between the rest. They are all just gorgeous and I love BOTH horses AND cattle. Maybe a day to a page diary next year, with a picture on EVERY page – then we can have them ALL! How could I really have even picked a favourite, somehow the cow drink one won me over…might be the fact of a running crystal clear creek…gotta love to have one of those!
Cow Drink was a clear winner in this one for me. The colors and composition put it right over the top. My other vote went to Cow Chew (’cause I love her expression), but I also love that gossiping group at the bottom.
I stayed away from horses in this one since you said there’ll (probably) be another entire post just with horses. Besides, I’m more of a cow kinda gal… unless you include donkeys with horses. Did you ever see my favorite donkey photo? You can click here:
Kelly´s last blog post ..Ouch!
That was a tough choice! So hard to pick just two!!!
Sigh. Really? I can only choose two? Cow drink is my favorite!
So glad you didn’t have cow lick photo.
I notice you are getting rather prosaic in your photo titles – are we to all help you in your titles in a future poll?
jeanie´s last blog post ..August