Three days…
After a very busy and damp start to 2013 – which started when we tried to take a short break to the beach – Mr Incredible and I decided to sneak away for a couple of days to the very same spot where the deluge began. Was it tempting Fate? Or were we just trying to cleanse the memory of that fateful, rainfilled visit?
The clouds as we headed east seemed to say ‘What YOU GUYS AGAIN?’
Then some blue shone through to tease us with the promise of some sunshine…
Then as we drew closer Mother Nature tipped the watering can. She’s a comedian, that Mother Nature!
This set-up caught our eye en-route – how TOTALLY cool is that car? (Apologies on the paint effect here, I seem to have gone a little overboard with those Instagram effects!) Now I have to admit that I am not really a caravan kinda girl. Possibly something to do with vivid memories of sharing a small one with my family, who all came down with vomiting flu at the same time. Now THERE was a holiday…
So wonderful to get to our destination (Hervey Bay) and see this view…
I know. No sympathy required! The room was pretty nice too – Violet tested out our bed…
… showing little sign of the small problem she had brought with her. A small problem that took up a nice chunk of our short time away…
The night before we left, Violet and her cousin Rubes had BOTH managed to injure their arms on a concrete area where the kids normally ripstik happily (and safely). Ongoing soreness in one spot on her wrist prompted us to take Violet to outpatients at the local hospital on Day 2 of our break, where she and I spent a looooooong morning being assessed and getting treatment. A suspected broken schaphoid wrist bone was (eventually) plastered…
And the novelty of having her arm in a cast lasted about… one hour. Upon realising that she could no longer swim or do anything easily, our normally sunny little woman got quite sad.
So of course a pedicure was in order… with a side of manicure.
The girl who did them for her did a great job – the colour was actually pink which the photographer failed to capture on either iPhone or Nikon.
(Sack her for me will you?)
Mr Incredible gave me some time to recover from the hospital episode (let’s just say the flow of paperwork there left a little to be desired and my blood pressure was on the rise)…
I chose to self-medicate… spaghetti arribiate and a Savignon Blanc.
And with this view. Yep. That worked!
The remainder of our break was spent relaxing, drinking coffee…
Enjoying each other’s (crazy) company…
(This is Dash nagging Mr Incredible to go fishing. For the 57000th time.)
And we even watched a movie on the Big Screen (a real treat for us!). We saw The Croods.
Very, very cute and totally Family Friendly. LOVED IT. Violet got a bit emotional at the end – lots of Father-Daughter things addressed. Pretty sweet.
We arrived home yesterday afternoon and I got ready for a family photo shoot. It was for someone pretty special – the daughter of a good friend, a girl who was having a heart transplant when I was pregnant with Dash. So amazing to see her now – all grown up and surrounded by her own little family. I can’t share the pics yet but will do so when I get the go-ahead, okay?
‘Helping me’ were Violet, on board Sandy (with cast!)…
There is no holding this cowgirl back!
And Axel, who managed to pull off a pretty impressive photobomb.
Nice work, boxhead! (Lucky this pic wasn’t in the final selection!)
Anway. That was our Easter Holidays break.
What did you get up to this week?
Lynda M O
How wonderful that you guys got a way for a bit. ER Trip notwithstanding. It’s been a lucrative albeit quiet week here in LyndaLand. Baby-rocking, dog-walking, sewing-fun mellow week.
Lynda M O´s last blog post ..March’s FO Report
I have come to expect nothing less than great photos, but the one of your son and husband is magic.
Thanks Andrew… Glad it made you smile too!
That is a wonderful shot of the two of them. I like the idea that Violet got emotional at the end of the Croods about the father/daughter things. You really are raising those children to understand the importance of themselves and of family. Wonderful job.
Debby´s last blog post ..Tim has questions.
Haha! – Poor Axel, he just wanted to be included! Tell him to flop that ear back the way it belongs before getting in the shot next time. One of my pet peeves (pun intended) is errant ear flaps! I think my dogs do it on purpose just to tease me. 😉
Kelly´s last blog post ..Happy Easter!
Looks like you had ‘way too much fun with those instagram effects. Love the results. Sorry about the marathon session at the outpatient clinic. Good thing those medical people around when we need them, but a visit sure blows a hole in a day. Looks like you found a good way to lower your blood pressure though. Best wishes for fast healing to Violet. lol on the photobomber.
Leenie´s last blog post ..THE RAIN, THE PARK AND OTHER THINGS