Afternoon delights…
A snapshot series from yesterday afternoon… it was one of those days that just seemed to ooze a little magic.
First – Cal our jackaroo riding a young mare on the flat near our house. ‘Assisted’ by Axel, who wanted to participate but just wasn’t sure how.
Am not sure Cal or the mare appreciated his effort, but everyone stayed in one piece which is always nice.
Dash and some schoolmates ‘fishing’, as a birthday treat …
Or in this case, chatting a lot and paddling (Dash doing less of the latter than the former).
The reflections were truly lovely…
Then Mother Nature got all ‘You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet, Baby’ on us…
With the light changing constantly, the effects were mesmerising. These two pics taken seconds apart..
The I looked west…
Sunlight dancing on water…
True colours…
Shining through…
Yeah. I know. She’s somethin’ else, isn’t she?
I ♥ Mother Nature.
Beautiful. Magical. Relaxing.
Thanks for the parcel 🙂
Anne´s last blog post ..Cape Capers
BB of Oz
No worries. Thanks Anne! 🙂
Fantastic Amanda…..I just LOVE your photography!
BB of Oz
That’s is so lovely to hear Heidi!! ♥
You live in a beautiful corner of the world, and you are able to capture it and present it to us to peek at. Have I mentioned how grateful I am lately?
I am.
Debby´s last blog post ..Life Lessons
BB of Oz
I do live in a magical part of the world Debby. So glad you treasure your ‘visits’ here and look forward to having you here one day, in person!
Me, too.
Excellent shots – lovely when Mother Nature and a good photographer get on nodding terms!
jeanie´s last blog post ..Saturday night – or the journey that led to the recipe that led to late night philosophizing…
BB of Oz
Oh Jeanie… you almost sound biased. Oh wait…
BB/Big Sister xx
You always treat us to such magnificent scenery! ….and I love when you work Axel into your photos. (or maybe he works himself in) He looks like such a sweetie. 🙂
Kelly´s last blog post ..Two sure signs
Nancy in Iowa
A beautiful series of photos, but the last one is truly awesome. Thanks!
Carol Alex
Wow BB, super pics!! Love them all but that last one speaks to me. Been dealing with a corner of the basement that flooded yesterday. Dang sump pump decided to take a dump.