The foggiest…
One thing I adore about this time of year, as Autumn begins to really kick in, is the start of the morning fogs.
As most of you know, I am not naturally an early bird. I am not interested in worms, only sleep at 5am! (Something to do with burning the candle at the other end). So a good late fog suits me perfectly…
These pics were taken as I came back home from dropping the kids at the school bus stop (around 8.15am).
I love how everything is colour in the foreground then fading to monotone in the distance…
Terracotta to green and misty grey…
The silhouettes of horses in the house paddock, through the spotted gums and ironbark on the ridge above our house…
Yvette, our chestnut mare we have just brought home from her ‘romance’ with a stallion, who is pregnant and due to foal in January.
Doesn’t she look well?
This is Holly, who has also been gadding about with boys and was brought home just before the floods from a neighbour of Lucy‘s – the paddock she was being kept in there went completely underwater. She is one of our flood miracles. She is due in November.
And these shots?
Well, sometimes I love soft silhouettes of gentle things like horses grazing… and sometimes I like harsh dead tree branches with swarking galahs…
I like to think I’m an enigma. I suspect I am just a tad confused. I know for sure I am looking forward to next Summer and two brand new sets of little hooves around here!
Are you a fan of the fog?
What is your season like at the moment?
Love the softness, love looking over fogs in valleys and love knowing if there is a fog there is moisture in the air!
Fog. Well, when you live by a river….
I’ll share an old story about fog – if you don’t want to read it just jump to the next comment. Long, long ago when I was young, strong and worked for money, The road to my job followed the waterways through the hills. On this late winter/early spring morning the fog was extra thick coupled with the reflected light from headlights I truly could not see the road. Then it started snowing (more reflected light). It was so thick that at times I put my head out of the window to listen to sound the wheels were making to determine if i was still in the road – then the sound changed to swishing! I’m in water! Oh, triple dang, fog, snow and now high water is over the road. that is the only time in my memory that I saw fog and snow at the same time.
BB of Oz
That is QUITE a story Bill… no damage I hope? Sounds like a great day to stay home!
I like the fog shots and always find it quite mysterious. These are lovely – all of them!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Two sure signs
Carol Alex
It is early spring here and we have had a few foggy mornings but only one that was thick as soup and a miserable to drive to work. We have a tree line behind our house that is pretty when we see the mothers and baby deer moving through fog. Our tree’s are budding and the grass is greening up. We have the possibility of severe storms this afternoon and tonight so not looking forward to that.
Love the photos. Yes I love fog which is an awesome part of getting to spend time on the Atherton Tablelands. I do like it as the weather cools and the skies clear, grass gets to sparkle and things are softened (as you said) by morning fog and mist. I love dew on spider webs and droplets on grass and flowers.
Anne´s last blog post ..Chocolate Pizza
Nancy in Iowa
I love your photos! The most fog I ever saw was when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. Fog everywhere you looked! I loved the fog that rolled over the hills north of the Golden Gate Bridge, and the fog that surrounded the Golden Gate. I didn’t like the heavy fog that blocked everything above the curb when I needed to go to work! Like you, I prefer the soft silhouettes.
missing moments
Huge fan of fog! At our home in Maine, the fog rolls in off the harbor … some call it sea smoke.
Julie in Aust.
Love fog…but not a morning person either.
Am still hoping to find a nice stream or brook somewhere on a weekend away for some early morning foggy shots…but that means getting up at an ungodly hour doesnt it?
Well if I find the brook or stream…I’ll do it!
Now…to get the hubby to stop work long enough to take the weekend off in early Autumn…big sigh!
Julie in Aust.
Oh…forgot to mention BB…your photos gave me goosebumps…absolutely lovely.
I’ve said it before…when I look at your photos…I can hear the quiet, the crunch on the ground, the birds waking up, the horses breathing…all that.
Going back for another look…
BB of Oz
Thanks Julie – it’s comments like yours that keep me posting (even when I don’t really have time!)… love that you really EXPERIENCE my world.
CheyAnne Sexton
beautiful, beautiful and more beautiful. Love the fog and the colors and the horses, always the horses.
BB of Oz
Thanks ChayAnne – you should leave the link to your gorgeous paintings! 😉
Fleur McDonald
Stunning. Love all of those photos, BB.
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..A new love
Fog is a fine photographic tool and you made very good use of it. I love them ALL.
Leenie´s last blog post ..ROADS CLOSED