Blog Lovin’
A quick bit of housekeeping here at BB of Oz.
Some of you may have noticed that Google, in all its infinite wisdom, is shutting down Google Reader.
(Yes, I have no idea either – same goes for Google Friend Connect which I am still in mourning for).
For those looking to keep a nice neat place for all their blogs, I am currently trying out BlogLovin’. Here is my little badge which you will henceforth find on my sidebar.
Is anyone else trying a different reader? What are the pluses and minuses of your reader?
And because I cannot stand posting a blog without an image of some kind…
At least Mother Nature doesn’t go chopping and changing my favourite things all the blinkin’ time!
I’m using feedly which has the advantages of being free, automatically importing ALL your blogs with literally 1 click and has all the same shortcuts as Reader. I also love the ‘preview’ option which lets me view a full post without clicking through to the website.
Tara´s last blog post ..Home to Home
BB of Oz
Just a PS – the first image is taken from the page you get when you try to go to Google Reader!! Do not click it, it won’t help!
*watches shoe rubbing the dirt*
I do not have any idea what you’re talking about.
debby´s last blog post ..Update
BB of Oz
LOL Debby … just a way to get all fave blogs into one spot – gives you a preview of the blog and then you can click through to it. 🙂
Ah, ever since the demise of Feedburner, I have just typed in the names of the blogs I like when I remember – frees me up greatly.
jeanie´s last blog post ..Mum’s Magic
I switched to Bloglovin’ a couple of months ago and have been happy with it so far.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Hissssss!
Colin Huggins
Good, that gets over that “problem” of clicking on that darn message.”Just a Reminder”!!!
Another beautiful sunny morning in Brisbane, like yesterday, but I bet pounds to peanuts that like yesterday, it will be raining and miserable by 4.00 pm.
I’m using RSS Toaster and pretty happy with it…
Oooooow – Being a newbie I’m liking Bloglovin for the clean layout and integration with blogs elsewhere. x
Jac´s last blog post ..Just do it – My Garden Philosophy