Our Guy…
Today marked a special day in the local calendar – it was the Bush Spirit Festival at the RM Williams Bush Learning Centre in one of our little local towns.
It’s a day filled with all kinds of events and entertainment specific to the Aussie bush way of life. Among the entertainment on show were some whip-crackers…
Hey Dash… nice work mate! (And yes, I think it’s time Mum hid that Bumblebee t-shirt.)
Too cute Goo-Goo… my cousin’s little one who is just adorable!
There were working dog demonstrations by a local expert…
And there was a TV camera crew also there… filming a horseman.
This dude…
If you are all horsey, you may recognise him?
Winner of Road to the Horse 2012 and 2013…
What this bloke cannot do with horses, isn’t worth knowing…
Seriously, it’s uncanny.
And I am not sure if you’d quite GET how incredible his skills are, unless you have ever tried to train a horse to do ANYTHING.
I remember seeing Guy a couple of times over the years – and while his skills have always been spectacular, his evolving showmanship makes this one unforgettable demonstration.
He spends most of his time in the USA now – and I think you can tell. Not that his accent has changed (still true-blue Aussie) but his speaking skills show the polishing of dozens of exhibitions over there. And his expectations of crowds (I suspect) has also been slightly affected…
If you have been to both Australia and the USA you will know what I mean – Americans LOVE to applaud. They are a showman’s dream. Aussies on the other hand… well, we are a little more recitent. We WAIT to be impressed. As Guy mentioned today, we often seem to be ‘clapping on the inside’. Ha! I like to think that if you get an Aussie round of applause you KNOW it’s the real deal… we don’t GIVE it away, y’know.
This is a photo of the crowd going wild. Impressed and enthralled, but mostly silent.
Even with barrel-less barrel racing going on!
The crowd was also delighted with his poetry- it’s such a part of any Guy McLean show. He does ♥ his horses and this is reflected in the heartfelt and REAL verse he shares. Wonderful.
He also brought a couple of proteges – his neice who was excellent and showing many of the skills her uncle has perfected.
Great work!
And a nephew who might have got the rough end of the pineapple..
Being a ‘cow’ for Guy to showcase his cutting skills on!
Hilarious… but also note that horse has ONLY a bit of leather around its’ neck – no saddle, no bridle. And completely under control!
Kind of inspiring really…
This arrangement of horses? For a horse to allow others to stand over it like that is AMAZING.
And this bit? Not QUITE what the horseman was asking of his steeds? Got one of the biggest rounds of applause of the day. Check out Guy laughing at this young mare who was just keen for a roll!
He did two seperate shows for the Festival – a wonderful chance for locals to soak in the talent and inspiration of this great Queenslander.
And that camera crew? Part of ABC Landline’s team – who may have also caught a little of Violet and her cousin Rubes as they collected their autographs from Mr McLean.
I am hoping very hard that the bit where they panned to me and asked an unscheduled question (and where my unbrushed hair and shiny face were undoubtedly caught in all their glory) ends up on the cutting room floor.
Will keep you posted on an airing date.
Hope you enjoyed the Guy McLean show as much as we did! Please check him out at his website and Facebook… and in REAL LIFE if you ever get the chance!
Jodie aka Mummaducka
Oooh that would have been fun to be at, my kiddos would have loved the horses, they could go and give whipcracking lessons! hhhhmn I must investigate for next year! Though I dare say you are a long way from home for us.
Jodie aka Mummaducka´s last blog post ..I’m Getting ready for a cold winter!
Clapping wildly from across the globe.
BB? I honestly would not have recognized Dash in that picture. P’raps it is due to the fact that I have never seen him without his trademark grin.
debby´s last blog post ..Question
Colin Huggins
Yep, Amanda and Co, Guy McLean is amazing.
I think I have seen a show on him on TV??
Not sure when.
How he can train horses to do what they do must be something that we, poor mortals, will never achieve. Incredible and to think that he goes to country towns to show his expertise, well words fail me – lets say, he gives back to the country what he must have absorbed as a young kid.
Memo: Dash – don’t close your eyes when doing the whip cracking stuff. I was hopeless, if that makes you feel better, eh?
Amanda you are to be so highly commended with this blog for showing to the World what rural life in country towns and ” beef properties (ranches)” are like. Pity the government couldn’t do the same.
Storms all around Brisbane at present – strange weather. Should be an interesting night with power out!
I didn’t recognize Dash at first, either. I think it was the safety glasses. (which I’m glad to see) I would be a disaster waiting to happen (to myself, especially) with a whip in my hand!
Kelly´s last blog post ..White Chocolate, Pecan, Banana Cookies
Nicole Alexander
Great pics A, love the action shots!
Fleur McDonald
So beatuiful, as always BB. xx
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..Book Shelves
pip courtney
Hey Amanda – your lovely shiny face and unbrushed hair will be on Landline this Sunday – you look very yummy mummy!
and the autograph sequence is in as well! story looks fab
enjoy – i am going in for another watch (and by the way have your tissues handy)
BB of Oz
OMG… I will be the one watching from the foetal position from under the coffee table. WHY didn’t I powder my nose that day? 😉
Julie in Aust.
Ha Ha Ha…I’ve been under that coffee table too BB…cringeing! I still havent seen ‘that’ family video of me singing…no-one will tell me why!!!!
Wouldnt miss a moment this Sunday…looking forward to it.
are you out from under the coffee table Amanda??? you were great!
BB of Oz
LOL – thanks Pip. Voiceover was okay. Profile and craggy eyes shot? Maybe not. Great GREAT story though – will share here when it’s uploaded if that’s okay? Lots of American and Aussie horselovers visit here regularly…