Stacking it high
Guess what I’ve gone and done?
I’ve gone and added ANOTHER crazy project to my already precariously-balanced tower of projects… something that would be fine if I was any kind of ORGANISED person. Sadly, I am not. I think the word for me is ENTHUSIASTIC. And then (when the occasion warrants) slightly PANICKY.
The owner of a local pub approached me some time ago to hold an exhibition of my photos there. Now this pub is not any pub, and she is not any publican. She is an artist, whose images are splashed throughout the pub (on canvas) and ON the pub itself. I promise I will share pics soon of it’s incredible cloak of colour…
And I thought… what the heck? How hard can it be? You know… I’ve already got the photos… all I have to do is:
1) choose some images
2) get them printed
3) organise some frames
4) find someone to launch the thing
5) maybe decorate a room at a pub…
…and VIOLA!
Yeah. Colour me STUCK on that first task… do you KNOW how many hours you can spend getting lost in your photo archive? That would be DAYS, people…
Luckily I had my trusty framer (and cousin Em) to crack the whip on me… forcing me to decide on a selection of just over 30 images. (From THOUSANDS of the suckers – it very nearly killed me.)
Want a sneak peek?
I will have a black-and-white series, including this wee heart-breaker…
A bird series, including my mother’s all-time favourite egret photo…
A ‘Wild and Whacky’ series including these bizarre creatures…
Of course, there had to be a little horse action…
And several of the incredible sunsets including this recent show by Mother Nature over our river…
Of course there are many more, but I might save a few for the actual exhibition…got to have some surprises up my sleeve!
Somehow I have managed to tick of my other chores, with Queensland Country Life General Manager John Warlters officially launching the exhibition. (I may have to shout him a rum or two, to make that trip worthwhile!) I admit I have dreams about drowning in miles of hessian and dotted with old cream cans and such, so think maybe Chore #5 will take a bit of wrassling.
One thing which I did initially struggle with, was what to call my exhibition. I did come up with an idea (while mustering one day and mulling the folly of my new project) … here was my thought process:
Really, the hero of my images is pretty much always ‘The Bush’.
I often have no idea what I am doing (Getting Bushed).
And I am pretty much always knackered (or just plain Bushed).
And you know, I have this blog called… well, you know.
So there it is.
So if you happen to be in the area this Saturday night, I would really love you to drop by and introduce yourself.
All details on the launch of my Bush’d exhibition here.
See you on the other side of a whole lot of hessian and hanging.
A Novel Woman
Break a leg!!
A Novel Woman´s last blog post ..At the lake
The more I see about it the more sad I get that I can’t come. I don’t hubby was too keen on me travelling on my lonesome – it is only 6hrs drive. Have a great time. I look forward to seeing some photos. I so wanted to meet you and drool over your images…maybe next time. x
BB of Oz
One day for sure Kylie! I love seeing your great work online too… ♥
Nancy in Iowa
How I wish I could beam over to see this! A long-time (grade school) friend of mine moved to Western Australia a few months ago to be close to her daughter and grandsons. I’ve just recommended your Facebook page to her and her daughter. Go mingle with your critters and calm your mind while your soul wanders through those thousands of images!!!
I wish you a very happy exhibition!
If only I could just pop in! Might be a rather long “pop”, though.
Hope it goes well! (and I have no doubt it will)
Kelly´s last blog post ..Fishing regulations
Remember, she asked you! You can’t go wrong. Still, it is a lot of work and you don’t want to blow it off as something unimportant. Give it your best then relax! Now, if I could only listen to myself!!!
I am looking forward to it!!
BB of Oz
My support crew!!! Yay!
It will be just perfect if the lay out of your blog is anything to go by! Good luck and wish I could be there to check it out!
Kelly, what if the two of us ride over together?
debby´s last blog post ..Pint Sized Vignettes.
BB of Oz
Now THAT would be cool. One day, maybe.
(PS RIDE? Harleys or horses?)
Colin Huggins
I am sure it will be a great success.
I don’t think you have ever made a mistake in your life. Go for it. Success breeds success.
Trust that you are not having any unnecessary rain, it has ceased here in Brisbane, thank God, but more regrettably is on the way.
Oh don’t go breaking a leg, might be a good stage expression, but not too good for being a wife of a cattle breeder in Qld.
Mr “I”, Dash and Violet would not be overjoyed. The selection of photos shown are remarkable.
How are the European parents going? Updates needed!!!!
BB of Oz
Well thanks Colin – very sweet. But believe me, I make MANY mistakes on a pretty regular basis. Parents are still in the land of the living but curiously recitent with photos. As soon as I have something I will share… Thanks!