One of those weeks…
It’s really been one of those weeks, this week.
You know, when things start to tip sideways, your mojo flies right out the window and all of a sudden you are under a pile of laundry and other assorted drama? Yep. That.
Some of the stuff involves people – unexpected losses in our community, and other things I can’t really write about here. Suffice to know that it has hit home that I really don’t have the ability to keep everyone happy all the time. And I know I need to be okay with that. But I do struggle a bit with it – people being sad is never okay with me.
Other stuff involves animals.
Some of you may remember Milly. She is a little black cattle dog (kelpie origins) who was given to us by a friend some years ago.
A very sweet-natured dog who loved her work, Milly could always been seen dancing around whatever horse my husband rode mustering, keen to be sent on a task.
She also adored a bit of a swim, and rarely waited for the trough to be clear before leaping in for a refreshing dip…
Although she liked to keep other dogs between her and the thirsty cattle who were never that keen to share their drinking spot with pesky, bathing dogs!
Milly got injured recently – an injury which seems initially to be soft tissue (which might heal with rest). Dash had offered to take care of her while she wasn’t up to going working with the other dogs (she hated being left behind). Milly enjoyed the extra attention and I thought he might be able to have some fun with her even if she wasn’t up to working. However but she gradually became lamer and lamer and lost weight. A vet visit on Monday brought news that we had several options – all of which required big surgeries to try to ensure she was pain-free.
After great debate (and a few tears) we made the toughest of calls.
It’s a bit of a subdued household at the moment. Dash is in mourning as he had considered Milly ‘his’, and we know that our mate Harves will be hurting a little too – the circle of life (especially when you have to intervene) sucks sometimes. It all seems so surreal when we had only recently lost (then found) Cruel. Animals sure do bring with them an emotional rollercoaster, don’t they?
We have another Big Decision looming over us too. For the longest time we have been putting off the inevitable with our old darlin’ mare Lacey.
Every winter gets harder for her, despite being molly-coddled in paddocks near the house and river. She is in her mid-30s now which is ancient for a horse. Especially one that has been a rodeo pick-up horse, a campdrafter, musterer and irreplacable kids’ horse for many members of our family (she was Dash and Violet’s first horse).
I stocked up on gum nuts and Copra meal today… we will bring her in, rug her and try and get her through just a little while longer.
None of us need any more heartache this week.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to dig myself out from under the laundry.
Sounds like you could do with a hug x
BB of Oz
Thanks Kylie… every hug helps! 🙂
and here’s some more my friend <3 <3 <3
JENNY TALIA´s last blog post ..compliments will get you everywhere
BB of Oz
Gretchen in KS
Hugs to you. Good luck with the laundry–mine is piling up, too.
Hippomanic Jen
So sad… and then laundry. Ugh!
A huge hug to you all. Losing a pet is like losing a family member.
I hope things get better, that you emerge from under that cloud and the washing soon. Sometime life throws us some doozies and usually altogether. I hope all is okay and that you are all smiling again soon. It just takes time.
Anne´s last blog post ..Crocodylidea
Colin Huggins
Yes Amanda – very sad. I know the feeling.
Lacey sure has had a great life. That will be a heart breaker. You may have to make a decision soon and that will be heart breaking, but being a country bred girl and your husband also, I now that the right decision will be made. None of us live forever.
I hope I haven’t been clumsy with what I have said, forgive please if I have.
Been in the same situation and it is NOT easy.
BB of Oz
No, not at all Colin. Knowing what’s right and then taking a deep breth and doing it are sometimes two different things, aren’t they?
Miss Cinders
Sending you all massive hugs and lots of love Amanda xxx
Miss Cinders´s last blog post ..slack ass blogger
BB of Oz
♥ Thanks sweetie.
Sadly life and love have another side which completes the circle. I always think that making the final decision is the most difficult part and after that is the emptiness of sorrow for a while. But we give thanks for the joy we knew and the opportunity to help ease pain for the beings we love. It is a part of growing. Hugs to you and Dash and all. Love Mxxx
BB of Oz
Thanks Mum. We were lucky to have Milly (and Lacey) in our lives… we know that for sure.
You know its all hugs from me here too, sweet.
jeanie´s last blog post ..Vignette – or is that vingette? Or vinegarette? Anyhoo, little bits of life right now…
If it was easy it wouldn’t be life. Here is a firm hug and some warm thoughts to help you step across the ditch and on toward the sunshine.
BB of Oz
Great words Bill – as always! Thanks.
A Novel Woman
It seems to be a week of bad news for so many people around the world. We’ll get through this together.
My heart goes out to all of you, but especially to Dash. Animals provide us so much joy, but oh, how I hate the sadness that inevitable counters that!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Goldenline Fairies
As painful as it is, there is something beautiful about the fact that each life has its place and its time. In the end, all life becomes a memory, until at last there is no one to remember. Like in the old days when a television was shut off and it went to a little star of light that grew smaller and smaller…
I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately.
That being said, well, it still hurts like hell.
debby´s last blog post ..Help…
BB of Oz
Yes. And yes. Me too.:-)
Mary Paddock
No words of wisdom here. Just that the ache of loss has a way of throwing the rest of life and everything that’s important into sharp relief.
Hugs to you and Dash (especially Dash).
Mary Paddock
No words of wisdom here. Just that the ache of loss has a way of throwing the rest of life and everything that’s important into sharp relief.
Hugs to you and Dash (especially Dash).
(Trying this again–Your blog isn’t letting me post–not sure why)
Lynda M O
My heart reaches out to yours and the kids and hubby too; these choices and decisions are the hardest to make. Know you are being held up to the Universal Healing Power and thought of regularly.
Lynda M O´s last blog post ..Weaving is Going Great…
I know it’s a tough call to make a decision to put a pet down and then you’ve got to deal with the after of missing them too.
Jen´s last blog post ..Not all beer and skittles