Flora for ’14 – POLL #3
It’s time for somethin’ a little bit purty now after all that fur… time to add a little colour for the pages of next year’s calendar.
Ready to vote for the flora section of the 2014 Oz Bush Calendar?
Most excellent! Shall we meet the contestants?
AUTUMN & DEW – rust-hued leaves on the Liquid Amber outside our houseyard catch some early sunshine before the dew dries. Shot on a cool June morning this year.
CACTUS BLOOMS – the Prickly Pear which intermittently dot our landscape are not usually particularly eye-catching. However when they begin to bloom late each year, they can be strangely spectacular.
CAMOFLAGUE FLOWERS – absolutely one of my favourites. See if you can spot the camoflagued insects along this spray of wild myrtle? So delicate and sweet and unexpected.
CREEK BOTTLEBRUSH BLOOM – shot recently in our main creek, this was one of the first bottlerbush flowers I saw this year. So many trees were washed away with the floods, but this one was celebraing having nice damp roots!
WATTLE AND DUST – so very representative of REAL bush colours, a wattle sends out it’s brilliant yellow blossom beside one of our many red dirt roads!
PURPLE BELLS – oh Jacarandas! How I love the divine colour and sweet tiny bell shape of each jacaranda bloom – taken in the street of a local town which comes alive with purple once a year.
So there you go – enough of a floral tribute for you there? You can vote for up to three of your favourites to help me choose this year’s Calendar blooms…
- PURPLE BELLS (31%, 43 Votes)
- AUTUMN & DEW (16%, 22 Votes)
- CACTUS BLOOMS (12%, 17 Votes)
- CAMOFLAGUE FLOWERS (12%, 16 Votes)
- WATTLE & DUST (12%, 16 Votes)
Total Voters: 63

Poll will close on September 1.
NB Previous polls are still open if you haven’t already voted!
I like all of the photos
little bb
BB of Oz
Well that is JUST not allowed ‘little bb’.
BB (the big one)