50 Shades of Crazy…
Doesn’t time fly when you are having fun?
And when you are busier than a blue-tailed fly? Well the darned thing just EVAPORATES before your very eyes. A whole week has vanished here, and this post’s task is to catch you up on the Granite Glen action…
Firstly, we repainted a pool.
And when I say firstly, I mean secondly, thirdly and fourthly as well.
And did I mention water-blasting for most of one day too? No? Then that too…
FIVE lots of afternoons (and into evenings in a couple of cases) were taken up with turning this…
Actually, that was only one coat down. We have had another two variations on colour and three people working 12 hours each after this point…
I know. It is very hard to convince people in cities that ginormous, ancient concrete structures like this actually exist in real life deep in the bush. I suspect that when the woman taking the order read my measurements of “7m x 17m” she must’ve thought: Goodness, silly girl has accidentally popped a ‘1’ in there!
So insert a little frantic phonecall into the week to convince our paint supplier that the first batch wouldn’t even make it halfway through the job. Always fun… of course, they didn’t have the same SHADE of blue in stock. I ended up not being fussy about hues. I just wanted this pool DONE!
I feel like calling the entire project ’50 Shades of Blue’. But I reckon that would draw some really offensive Google searches. So I didn’t.
Our ludicrious pooch, Axel the Great Dane required a vet (Mum if you are reading, please divert my dogs-are-not-pets-father’ attention to the animals below). He has had a lump which won’t quit on his impressive snoz, so our vet sedated him, then opened up the lump and drained it. She only gave him the minimum sedation, but Axel Rose is a little susceptible to drugs. The dog slept for four hours afterwards… and was drunk for another two. One shouldn’t laugh at a staggering dog, but when it’s a Great Dane who cannot coordinate his limbs, trust me, it’s funny.
This is our house. I have been trying to get it into some sort of order with my darling city friends coming for their annual visit this week. But what with pools and catch-up blogs, they are going to have to just enjoy the outside views…
Which as you can see, are just a little dry at the moment. Crispy, one might say. I am hoping they bring some rain with them… (along with the fresh veggies and antipasto!)
I have also been on a little marketing jag – preparing our young bulls for sale requires updated images, so I got busy with the camera… this is NOT a correct marketing pose.
Peek-a-bull! This is not what buyers want to see either.
Oh for HEAVEN’s sake boys… blimmin’ testosterone!
Ohhh look – a strange-shaped very long,bull. (Okay, front end of one, back end of another according to their eartag and brand!)
It’s okay, I did get a couple worth using. But these were MUCH more fun…
Violet took Sandy for a ride. The girl loves horses.
Please admire the way I have managed to make the little bit of watered grass outside the house look like a vast expanse of green. Water and green grass is what I need to focus on as the dry spell continues here… but not yet as bad as out west.
I also got to relive a little of my Blackall adventure through the ABC TV program Landline on Sunday. If you missed the story, check it out here: Grass Ceilings.
I am the shiny one. With the mercifully short grab.
And lastly in this jam-packed week, but by NO means least, my darling friend Kate lost her husband.
As you so rightly say Kate, there are no words.
But there are always ALWAYS hugs and roses.
I am sending both to Maryland this week…
What did you pack into your week, my friends…
Wow! You’ve been busy! Now you need to show us a photo of it filled with sparkling water and splashing kiddos. 🙂 We filled ours in after all the chicks left the nest.
My condolences to your friend.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Autumn Sun
Nancy in Iowa
I watched it and I saw you, with your always beautiful smile! Now, I’d like to see your shiny “new” pool filled with water and people. And perhaps Axel!
I’m very sorry for your friend’s loss – it will be a hard winter for her.
Colin Huggins
You sure have been busy – cleaning and painting the pool is no mean task. I certainly hope that Axel does not go for a dip, Violet and her pony can take Axel down for all the swimming required in that lake/weir/lagoon or river. Axel can play Ester Williams, Dawn Fraser or “mermaids” down there to her heart’s content under the watchful eyes of Violet and her horse, Sandy.
It looks like rain in moderation is badly needed – like a good one week of the soaking stuff. That type of weather is badly required in Brisbane also – lawns are very brown.
I agree with your Dad. I loathe seeing cattle dogs and kelpies kept as “pets” here in small yards in Brisbane. I won’t say anymore as your father and I may have to take to them “old damn hills” to escape the wrath of pet dog “lovers”.
Continue your “fun” with your pool, hope to see a sign up – “No dogs allowed” (?????
gail lipke
Good morning. It is so much fun to read your blogs. Loved the pool dramas. Little bits of the going on here at Priory Glen, our escape-to -the-country or the simple-life. Yes well that was the plan.
Keep up the blogs
Poor Axel! (and you need a video camera because that staggering great dane would have been dandy fun to watch).
Have a good time with your guests and hope that you get a good rain soon enough that you can get that enormous pool filled.
debby´s last blog post ..How’s it hanging?
Fabulously busy but that pool will be its own reward!
So sad to hear of your friend’s loss xxx
Jayne´s last blog post ..September 24 Plenty of Oz stuff to make up for yesterday
Hmmm…wonder when I could get time for a swim. Did you get the blue off your feet 🙂
bushboy´s last blog post ..One Day at the Grevillea
Oh poor Axel. I am sure once everyone quite laughing at the poor boy he was showered with love and treats. Very pretty shade of blue eh ;p
Fleur McDonald
Just so love your new nail polish! Blue is SO becoming. Thoughts and hugs to your friend, BB xx
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..Saying Goodbye