Meeting Max
I think many of you already know that my husband, the one and only Mr Incredible (or as he would much prefer to be know, Mr Invisible*) adores babies.
For many couples, it is the woman who is pushing for offspring… in our case, it was the bloke. The guy just MELTS with babies around. It’s kinda cute.
So when my cousin and his wife (who are also neighbours and live just 10km away) had the great sense to produce a baby son, it was only a matter of time before we had Show and Tell.
Babies just KNOW when someone has confidence around them, don’t they? My husband was ALWAYS able to settle our babies far better than I (except for feed time!). I thanks his big brothers and sisters (and their babies) for breaking him in so beautifully for me.
My husband jokes that I have told him he can have as MANY babies as he likes… just not with me. (I put up the stop sign after two!). And I always amend the story to say that he can have as many babies as he likes, just not while he’s MARRIED to me! LOL. I think I am safe. Dash and Violet keep our hands pretty full.
I just make sure Mr Incredible gets his ‘baby dose’ every so often…
Thanks Max. You are the Baby Bomb!
So girls? How those hormones?
*A Twitter friend, whom I finally met in real life this week, accidentally called my husband Mr Invisible. He immediately clamoured for a Blog Name change! Thanks Jarni. 😉
Precious to see a tiny one in a man’s arms like that.
Nope. No temptation here. 😉
Kelly´s last blog post ..Symphonic Fright Night
Temptation? In the form of grandbabies, maybe, but nothing else. That little baby is darling, and I love the picture of that new baby sleeping in calloused hands in front of that work-a-day hat.
debby´s last blog post ..His Mysterious Ways.
Adorable to the max.
Kate´s last blog post ..October redux
Fleur McDonald
Nothing sexier than a man holding a baby. I’m off to Adelaide on Saturday to meet my new nephew. I can’t tell you how excited I am to be able to have a cuddle, then hand him back! I’m also going to get to see my Nephew and niece I’ve know for a while.
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..The start of harvest
Colin Huggins
Well you, Amanda, have certainly let “Mr.I” know that you will not be producing any further additions – you are hilarious with your blog. Love the part – “no more whilst married to thee”.
Maybe the 4 ladies above – Fleur, Kate, Debby and Kate have “clucky thoughts”?
Now no crucifying please, Ladies. I don’t like nails implanted in my hands and to be stuck on a cross.
I have nieces and nephews who were breeding like “buck rabbits – seems they have pulled the plug at last – one has 6 under the age of 11!! Another 4 (twins assist) under the age of 5!!!
All these additions to the family have got the strangest of names, thankfully no Kidman/Urban -“Sunday Rose (Roast)” yet.
Two more, nephews, are just starting in the production stakes and two yet unmarried. Please let the names of the results be somewhat normal!!! The very thought of a Monday Melody, a Tuesday Twilight (even if named unintentionally after my beloved steed of years ago) would be too much.
Great report on the additions to a family.
Max is a nice name.
Lynda M O
The only way for me to quell those urges is to make them my vocation-so I did. The baby will be a year end of November and I’m glad to see him each morning and so glad to see his mama each afternoon. Mr I has always been very Incredible to me, he so reminds me of my Husband-competent and yet gentle at the same time. Hugs to the kids and a kiss for the Dane.
Lynda M O´s last blog post ..October Cools Off and We Settle Into the Routine
Awwww, what lovely photos of such a sweet wee one 🙂
Jayne´s last blog post ..G’day, lovelies
Oh he is gorgeous … hormones, as clucky as always. I am a sucker for a mans hands (especially tough looking working hands) holding a small bub. Great photos.
Anne´s last blog post ..Trumpeting in Pink
Nancy in Iowa
These are wonderful photos! Mr. I – I can just see a sweet smile on your face as you gaze at baby Max. My grandson will be 4 next month and I can’t wait to see him, big as he is compared to babies.
Nancy in Iowa (for 3.5 more weeks, then I’ll be settled in Savannah, GA!)
I am envious because he got to hold Max – he dutifully slept through our whole visit with nary a need for a settle.
jeanie´s last blog post ..un-Crush-ed