A Moment… teamwork
I want to start a little series here… the ‘Moment’ series.
In it, I will post just one image, with very few words. The images will represent a few of the ‘moments’ I feel are unique to our world, our way of life. I welcome your feedback, or questions.
The first one was taken yesterday, as my ‘boys’ worked in the yards, drafting up cows. My husband’s mare Scandal is walking towards the mob here, watching the cattle, her ears twitching as she listened to my husband, ready to leap into action. They have already mustered and so both have a sweat up…
Scandal is the horse Mr I was riding when he got concussed recently. She likes to toss her head, and tossed it right into his cheekbone as he leant forward to open a gate. They have sorted out their issues (he’s very careful opening gates) and are working beautifully together now. Those spurs (which are quite blunt if you look closely) very rarely touch Scandal’s side, but are there to encourage her to ‘keep up’ if her attention strays from the task at hand. It rarely does.
No farmer does this job completely on his or her own.
Working the land is all about partnerships – with horses, with dogs, with cattle or sheep, with other people. These partnerships are worked on and treasured (and occasionally cursed) and mourned when lost. And that’s a fact.
Colin Huggins
1. If anyone is wondering how come I read posts very early (if I am near the computer) – it has a Beep Beep sound on it, lets me know an e-mail has arrived!
2. This function was installed when I was involved in Major reunions for ex-officers in the “colonial days” of Papua New Guinea, prior to 1975. Answering over 100 queries to reports which were clearly written with instructions of bookings, airlines and accommodation on a daily basis turned me off NEVER putting myself on committees again. Sofitel and Novotel Hotels in 2007. So don’t install a “beep beep”.They “BEEP” 24 hours of the day/night.
3. Well the spurs look blunt – just for a tickle.
4. Yes well advised to remove self from fractious horse when unlocking gates. Mr “I” has learnt a lesson the hard way, I have seen it happen. Some horses don’t like the feel of cold steel/iron against them.
5. Yep, Amanda, they are all facts of rural life – the ups and downs – teamwork is essential.
I do enjoy your boot-in-stirrup photos. Almost as much as the “look into my horsey eyes” photos. Something so honest and real about worn work clothes and tools and the people who use them. Plus the shine and sweat of a horse. Together, TEAM.
Small request: some photos of your herding dogs at work. Love to see them in action and I SO miss our old border collie.
Leenie´s last blog post ..PEOPLE WATCHING AT THE DOG PARK
BB of Oz
I shall do Leenie… we love our dogs too!!
So glad Mr I and Scandal have sorted out their issues!
Jayne´s last blog post ..G’day, lovelies
Lynda M O
Super photo Amanda, boot pics are some of my favorites. Good news about Mr I and the horse working it out. That was one scary post; I’m still in awe of the human body and brain–he called you to come get him before he went out from the head-clonk. Considerable self-preservation instincts in us humans.
Lynda M O´s last blog post ..October Cools Off and We Settle Into the Routine
You know, I was thinking on this the other day, about the small moments, the little things that you notice that the people around you don’t seem to notice. I notice a lot, and in the noticing, there is always gratitude.
I also am glad that Mr. I and Scandal have sorted things out. When you run into someone who’s more hard headed than you are, it’s best to take extra care. Mr. I could be a poster boy for that sentiment. Glad all is well.
debby´s last blog post ..His Mysterious Ways.
Nancy in Iowa
Terrific image!
Every moment is a golden one
for him who has the vision
to recognize it as such.”
Henry Miller
debby´s last blog post ..Monkey, pumpkin and footed jammies.